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Twinj with ansh reaches home. Kunj comes out and opens twinkle's side door and helps her to come out. She grips his shirt tight as other contraction hit her.

K- u ok twinkle? (she nods in no leaning her head on his shoulder) come let me take u in the room then i will try to reduce this pain ok. (twinkle nods and with kunj's support she goes in their room. Whole time ansh was following them but not saying anything seeing twinkle's condition. As kunj makes her lie on the bed ansh comes and sit beside her.)

A(tensed)- mumma what happen. R u in pain?

T(faintly smiles)- nhi mra bchcha mumma gonna be fine soon. U dont have to be tensed ok. U go in ur room and play games. Dont wry about anything.

A- no u r not ok then how can i go. I will sit here only if u need anything tell me i will bring it for u ok.

Twinkle looks at kunj. He nods.

K- ansh i m here to take care of ur mumma u go.

But ansh was also stubborn so he nods in no and lies beside twinkle and very slowly hugs her from her stomach. Kunj about to deny but twinkle stops him and pecks ansh forehead.

K- let me get u a hot water bag twinkle. (she nods so he went out)

A- mumma

T- hmm

A- what chachu did. Why r u having pain?

T- nothing bchcha papa told u na we went for a checkup bs and i was having pain from mrng only thats why we went there but u dont wry he gave me medicine it will go away soon.

A- ok so where r ur medicines. I will give it to u so that ur pain will go away asap.

T(smiles)- jaan for that ur papa is here. He will give me that u dont have to be stressed bchcha. See my baby is so brave na so baby's mumma is also brave r8.

Ansh nods and kisses her forehead making her smile. Kunj comes back and puts hot water bag on twinkle's abdomen.

K- twinkle get up i made hot coffee for u. It will give u some relief.

Twinkle nods and with kunj and ansh support she gets up and sit with help of bedrest. Kunj hands her coffee mug and they spend some family time together.

K- ansh when ur exams will start?

A- in the end of next month.

K- ok do ur preperations in this month only bcz next month u wont be able to.

A- why? What is in next month.

Kunj looks at twinkle who was glaring him angrily. He makes a sry face and looks at ansh.

K- wohh actually haan one month before exam is for revision na thats why i was telling u to start ur studies now only so that last month u dont have to learn any new thing just revise ok and (strictly) ansh u know that i never said i only want full grades or ur first position. Result doesnt matter to me if u have given ur 100% but if u show any carelessness in studies na then mark my words i myself will teach u with a stick in my hand and u know better what will happen then r8.

Ansh scaredly nods.

T- kunj enough na he always study well and my baby is very intelligent ok. Dont scare him.

K- hmm and now u chhote siyappa king go in ur room and start studying chlo.

Ansh pouts but one glare of kunj and he quickly went from there.

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