little devil

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Twinj with ansh reaches there. Twinkle shakes hand with that client.

C- hlo mrs twinkle.

T- hlo mr kukreja meet my husband dr kunj sarna and my baby ansh.

But kunj and ansh's gaze was fixed on their joined hands.

C- must say he has inherit ur characters only (Pulls ansh cheeks slowly) so cute and calm.

Ansh makes irritating face but fakes a smile while kunj was literally killing that man with his murderous glares and twinkle was face palming herself.

T(mutters)- how much calm he is u will get to knw soon. Babaji pls save my deal today.

Kunj forcefully takes his hand for a handshake causing him to leave twinkle's hand.

K- hi dr kunj sarna....(side hugging twinkle) her husband.

C- hlo mr sarna......lets go inside.

Twinkle nods and they go inside the restaurant and takes their seat. Twinj with ansh between them on one side and that man with his pa on other side.

C- so mrs twinkle what would u like to have?

Before twinkle can answer ansh interrupts.

A- mumma does this uncle works here as a waiter? (that man choks water and kunj presses his lips to control his laugh as he got to knw that ansh also is not liking this man even a bit so now it will be fun)

T(glares him)- ansh baby....

A(pouts)- sry but he was asking like that only so i doubt.

C(fake laugh)- so naughty kid he is.....(twinkle helplessly smiles while kunj and ansh rolls their eyes) twinkle ji as this is ur deal so lets order urs fav only. (to waiter) 1 plate chhole kulche and aloo paratha with extra butter.

T(surprised)- how u knw this is my fav?

C(grins)- i asked ur pa and i told u before only i takes out all details of that owner in whose company i m investing.

T- impressive. (he smiles but now kunj and ansh were beyond irritated bcz twinkle was also smiling talking to him and not giving them attention)

K(lip tight smile)- i think u have done full research on MY WIFE rather than her company mr kukreja.

C(laughs)- yeah u can say that mr sarna....what to do mrs sarna is like this only. Just on one meeting she managed to impress me that much ki i couldnt resist myself to knw about her more personally. (kunj fists his hand)

K(gritting his teeth)- just by seeing her designs u wanna knw her personally......sounds strange nhi twinkle....

Twinkle knew now this is going other way so she should stop them before kunj beats the shit out of him that he never in his life can flirt with anyone again.

T- umm i m hungry so lets order our food first then we can continue our talks what say. (kunj calms himself and nods)

C- but i did na. U want something else too?

K- waiter 3 bowl manchurian soup and veg noodles. Jaan u want something else? (twinkle shakes her head) thats all.

Waiter notes down their orders and left from there.

C- but twinkle ji urs fav toh......

T- actually mr kukreja.....

K- mr kukreja they both always eats so much oily food so now they will eat this only. I m a dr so its my duty to take care of their health r8. Hope u wont mind.

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