Chapter 47

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Early in the morning, Xiaotu's mother was surprised to find out that her daughter, who only started school in a week, was actually packing her luggage.

'Tutu, what are you doing? '

'Mom, I'm going back to school! Xiao Tu stuffed a sweater into the travel bag and gritted his teeth.

'What's wrong? ' Her mother was puzzled, 'Isn't there still a week left for school? Why are you in such a hurry to go back so early? '

'The roommate called and said that the notice had changed and the school would start a week earlier. ' she said, throwing another pair of trousers hard into the bag.

Her mother thought her daughter was angry about the early start of the school, and comforted her: "Your school is also true. It was agreed to start next week, so why did it go back on its word?" Daughter, don't be angry, go to school to lead that reaction. '

'I will! Xiao Tu narrowed his eyes, and the luggage in his hand creaked.

Looking at this scene, her mother is embarrassing.

'Mom, I'm leaving. Dad will come back later, please help me to talk to him. After Xiao Tu finished speaking, he picked up the suitcase and walked out of the house without looking back.

Seeing the back of her daughter leaving, her mother fell into deep worry: It seems that her daughter is going to respond to the situation, she clearly wants to fight with the leader! >____<

It is said that Xiao Tu went out and went straight to the train station with his luggage. Since the school hadn't started yet, there were not many people at the station. As soon as Xiao Tu arrived at the train station, he rushed to the ticket gate, gritted his teeth and said, "Miss, The nearest train to Z City! '

Sitting at the window was a young conductor who was taken aback by her tone. If she hadn't seen that the visitor was a weak girl with money in her hand, she would have thought that the New Year's Eve had been robbed.

"Hello, there are two departures at nine o'clock and ten o'clock. The ten o'clock departure has air conditioning, so it's more comfortable to sit on. Would you like to take..."

'Nine o'clock, the sooner the better! Xiao Tu interrupted the conductor with a sullen face.

The poor conductor is embarrassing, why does this passenger seem to be rushing to kill someone? Seeing her murderous look, he didn't dare to say more, hurriedly typed the nine o'clock ticket and handed it to her.

Xiao Tu grabbed the ticket and ran to the waiting room. Looking at her back in a hurry, the old conductor beside him sighed: "Oh, the one who celebrates Chinese New Year is probably going to catch rape!" '

'how do you know? ' asked the young conductor.

'Didn't you see the look in her eyes just now? Do you feel anything? '

'Looks like a rush to kill...'

'wrong! She is going to be eunuched! '

Facts have proved that the eyes of the masses are discerning, and there is only one reason for Xiao Tu to rush to school in such a hurry——she wants to catch the adulterer.

Just last night, Niersi, who lives in City Z, called her and said that while taking the bus, she accidentally ran into Ling Chao sitting with a beautiful woman and having a good conversation, and then the two got off near the apartment Ling Chao rented. Car, she followed all the way, watching them enter the apartment building together.

When Xiao Tu first heard the news, she didn't take it seriously, but Ni Ersi portrayed it vividly, and even sent her the secretly photographed photos by MMS.

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