Mystery Boy PT.2 T.D

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You were heading to work when you were stopped, "Hey Y/n," Tess ran up to you. 

"Hello," You look at her. 

"Where you heading?" She asks walking with you. 

"Work," You respond.

"Where do you work at?"  She asks.

"That coffee shop I showed you, remember?" You answer.

"Yeah I remember by the your brother is cute," She says, making you glare at her.

"Please tell me you're joking," You say, making her laugh.

"He is!" She laughs as you make a fake throwing up sound.  

"You disgust me," You say, shaking your head. 

"I disgust you? Wow I also thought you were cute" She says, looking at you.

"Really we met yesterday and you already like me, I knew I was charming not that charming though," You say with a smile on your face.

"How do you not have friends your funny as hell," She chuckled a little. 

"I don't know people don't like me due to my brother but I need to head to work bye Tess." You say. You hug her then walk off to work. 

- 4 hours later- 

You were in your room, changing shirts when you heard something hit your window. You ignored it when something broke your window this time. You were still shirtless, you went to you window and opened it to see Tess. 

"I'm so sorry," She laughed. 

"What do you want?" You ask while laughing. 

"Can I come over?" She asks still laughing at what she did. 

"Are you gonna flirt with my brother or me?" You ask with a smile.

"Maybe you but not your brother," She responded. 

"Does your dad know?" You ask.

"Yeah he said it's fine," She says, smiling.

"Whatever here let me help you in," You say, you had a wooden board in your room since you were building a desk, you grabbed the board and placed it down so she could get to your room, "Come on!" 

"You better not make me fall," She looked at you.

"I'll help you," You say, offering your hand for her to grab. She grabs your hand scooting across the board, her nails dig into your hand. You pull her across then grab the board and put it away so you can close the window. 

"I can't believe you broke my window," You say, putting a shirt on. 

"I didn't mean to," She says.

"I know but just you broke it," You say, sitting on your bed.

"Whatever," She sat down next to you, she just stared at you for a bit, you look over at her. 

"What?" You ask. She leaned in and kissed you softly, you kissed her back, she ended pinning you to the bed and honestly you imagine what happens next.

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