Covering M.M

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(So this if the mall and Billy didn't go down, btw season 4 right now and VeCnA sHiT dOn'T eXiSt)

Y/n was at scoops ahoy covering Steves' shift since him and Robin are working on something that he forgot because he didn't care. Max came in with a boy who was just a dick to Y/n his name was Mitch but Y/n wasn't fond of him. 

"Hey Mad Max, Hey Mitch what can I get ya'?" Y/n asked, acting happy.

"Why are you here?" Max asked.

"Covering for Steve," Y/n said.

"Oh okay," She said.

"Can I get Vanilla?" Mitch asked.

"Yep and for Max, I'm guessing strawberry." Y/n guessed.

"You guessed correctly," She smiled at him. 

"On it!" Y/n smiled, making the ice cream.

He handed them the ice cream, Max pecked his lips softly then walked off. 

"You know she's really hot, I'm surprised she would date you honestly you're pretty ugly." Mitch smirked, trying to get under Y/ns' skin.

"That's sad I was trying to look like you," Y/n said, giving the next person their ice cream.

Mitch punched Y/ns' throat knocking him out.

- 10 minutes later -

"Is he awake?" A faint voice asked. 

Y/n opened his eyes to see Max,Steve,Robin and Dustin above him.

"What happened?" He asked, faintly.

"Mitch punched you," Max said, rubbing his hand.

"O-oh," He said, sitting up.

"Why didn't you tell me he was messing with you?" Max asked.

"I didn't want to seem like the type of boyfriend that won't let you have friends..." He explained.

"I wouldn't have thought that, meeting you was the best thing that has ever happen to me." She smiled, kissing him softly. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too."

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