Friendship Test

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                                                                     -Male Reader-

"Hi Y/n L/n," You start the video off.

"I'm Sadie Sink and today we're doing a friend ship test," Sadie smiled. 

"We're dating so it will be awkward if we fail," You looked Sadie, she nodded in agreement.

"What are we doing? Mimicking a hidden talent, alright then." You said.

"I only have one hidden talent but we don't have a flute do yeah." You looked at Sadie. 

"I don't have any hidden talents..." Sadie said.

"You have many! what you talking about?" You shook your head, "I think in my backpack I might have a flute." You grabbed you bag and looked threw it to grab a white case. You opened it to see flute parts, you put it together and played a little song. You looked at Sadie and handed her your flute. She tried to play it but failed.

"Okay lets put that up," You put your flute up.

"Oh trust falls this should be easy," Sadie said. 

You put your arms out to catch her and you did, it was your turn and she caught you.

"You're heavy," She said.

"Complement your friend with emojis," You said, pulling your phone out. 

"Lets see..." She said. 

"You put a, brain, red heart, a smiley face and a two people hugging." Sadie said, "What does that mean?"

"You're Smart,loving,always happy and you love hugs," You said, "Lets see what you put," 

"A devil, confused face, a smirking face, sleepy face and a hat." You said, "A hat?" 

"Well you like to have fun, you're always confused, you flirt a lot, you're always sleepy and you wear hats 24/7." Sadie looked at you. 

"You aren't wrong," You agree with her.

"What's your friends favorite snack on set," You say, "Oh this is easy seaweed crackers," 

"He always has a banana and a wattle bottle on set," Sadie said. 

"What is your friends biggest pet peeve," Sadie said.

"You hate it when people smack their lips or chew with their mouth open," You look at Sadie.

"You hate it when strangers take pictures of you without permission and when people talk loud on the phone," Sadie smiled once again.

"What is your friends zodiac sign," You say, "Easy Aries," 

"Uh you're a Gemini or Cancer," She said.

"Yeah I'm a Gemini," You say.

"Oh well we totally beat Millie and Noah," Sadie said.

"Totally," You agree.

-Meanwhile with Millie and Noah_

"We beat Sadie and Y/n!" Millie exclaimed.

"Yep we're the better duo!" Noah said, "Wait aren't they dating?"

"Oh yeah, we might've lost but who knows," Millie Shrugged.

-Back with Y/n and Sadie-

"That was a great test," You said, making Sadie nod.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow," Sadie kissed your cheek.

"Bye love you," You say, getting into your car.

"Love you too," She smiled, as you drive off.

Sadie Sink One-shots/ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt