Stalker S.S

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Sadie has had a crush Y/n since she joined the Stranger Things cast, she actually stalked the man sometimes. He and Maya knew the obsession Sadie had for him so luckily Maya was in the scenes he had with her. Y/n just had gotten to work to see Sadie at the coffee pot, he instantly turned the other way and went to straight his dressing room. He changed into his outfit then he stayed by Maya and Joes' side since they had a scene together. Sadie went up to him.

"Hey can we talk real quick...?" She asked, looking at him.

Maya and Him looked at each other until he looked at Sadie, "Yeah sure,"  

He walked off with her, "I wanted to say sorry for everything, how I treated you I'm just sorry." 

"Really?" He looked at her.

"Yeah I'm sorry," Sadie said, "I realize how I was acting now I realize who I was I just wanna be your friend..." 

"Alright I'd love to be your friend but you have to show me the pictures you have of me, If Sadie Sink is gonna have  pictures of me I better look hot," He said making her laugh. 

-Few months later-

"Sadie do it right!" Y/n said, he was practicing lines with Sadie. 

"I can't this line is to damn funny!" Sadie laughed. 

"Lets take a break," Y/n chuckled. 

"Okay," She was still laughing.

"Can you believe how you went from being a psychopathic stalker to my best friend?" Y/n looked at her.

"It's crazy how people change...isn't it...?" She smiled.

"Yeah..." He looked at her lips then looked away. 

"You can kiss me ya know, I never lost feelings for you." She said making him look over at her. He kissed her softly, she kissed back with a smirk on her face. They were sitting on his couch, she pulled him closer, they parted Sadie tackled him down.

"Woah! Sadie really?" He smiled.

"Yeah, I finally got the boy of my dreams I'm not gonna let you leave." She smiled,cuddling on him. 

"Yeah I guess I was the boy of your dreams..." He rubbed her back. 


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