Savior T.D

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                  (This is if you saved Zoe before you know)

Y/n was in his yard playing with his little sister when a girl called out for him, "Y/n!"

He looked up to see a girl he knows her name is Tess, he barley knew her but he waved at her. A few minutes later, he heard her scream he looked up to see a car rushing towards her little sister. He ran to her sister and picked her up the ran out the way. He put Zoe down while panting, Tess ran over and hugged her sister tightly while Y/n sat next to Tess and Zoe. She let go of Zoe then turned to Y/n who was staring at the sky, "Y/n?" 

"Hm?" He looked at her. 

"Thanks for saving Zoe if I lost her I wouldn't be myself anymore," She said, smiling softly. 

"No problem," He smiled as his sister pulled him to the ground, "Lucy...really?"

Tess started laughing as Lucy softly hit you in the face, "Dum Dum" She said as you sat up. 

"Wow that was rude," He said playfully as he picked her up. 

"I want mommy," Lucy said, He put her down and she ran to the house.  

"Well see you around I guess," He said about to walk off.

"Wait! Zoe go to mom I need to talk to Y/n real quick." Tess said, Zoe ran to her house and went inside.

"What's up?" He asked, helping her up. 

"I really just wanted to say thank you again for saving Zoe," Tess hugged him. 

"No problem," He only hugged back with one arm. She pulled back but she still had a smile on her face. She looked into his eyes for a few seconds before kissing him, his eyes widened but soon kissed her back. They pulled away from each other.

"I'll see you tomorrow," She walked off.

He nodded then went the other way.

(Pls leave request I'll do anything y'all want)

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