The Crash Pt.2

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                                                        (Male Reader as Nick Widow)

Nick was in the hospital, he was in another coma. This time it was Lucas's' fault well that's what Max thinks at least. She visited him everyday after school hoping he would wake up, she didn't want to loose another person she loves in her life. She held his hand, looking down at him with tears in her eyes.

"Please don't go Nick...I love you..." She teared up even more. She had one of the cheerleaders to come and comfort her in case he didn't make it. She only became a cheerleader for him, he had mentioned it at the start of the summer.


"You should be a cheerleader, when we go to high school." Nick smiled and his girlfriend.

"Me? no never!" Max smiled at the boy.

"Come on! Just imagine you cheering: H.A.W.K.I.N.S GO HAWKINS!" Nick laughed.

"Really? maybe you should be one!" Max said, making the boy laugh even more.

"I can see me looking good in that tight crop top and skirt," Nick nodded

Max just started laughing after what Nick said, he started dancing around her just to see her smile. He pulled Max into a hug then kissed her, he started dancing around again. She shook her head at the dancing boy.

"Come on dance with me!" He said, offering his hand to the girl. She took his hand and slow danced with her boyfriend.

"Promise me one thing." Nick said.

"Hm?" She mumbled.

"Never break my heart..." He smiled.

"I promise." Max smiled, kissing her boyfriend then continues dancing with him.

-End of flashback-

"I broke our promise...I'm sorry..." Max cried.

She felt something touch her, she looked at her hand to see Nicks' fingers moving.

"His fingers they're moving!" The other cheerleader said.

Nicks' eyes opened to see Max, he had heard what she said.

"I love you too Max Mayfield and I always will." He said.

She leaned down and kissed his lips softly. He hugged her just happy like he was before.

*Few Months Later*

"I'm not doing that-" Nick said, looking at Mike.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Dustin joined in.

"If me being murdered by my girlfriend and her friends is fun then what's bad?" Nick asked in a sarcastic tone.

"It's just a prank!" Mike exclaimed.

"A prank that'll get me killed." Nick smiled.

"What will get you killed? Max asked, sitting next to Nick with her friend Claire.

"They're trying to get me to prank you by having a panic attack." Nick told Max while drinking his water.

Max glared at the boys and shook her head.

"You two are idiots," Claire said, laughing.

"He's right I would get him killed." Max smiled, squeezing Nicks' shoulder tightly.

"Ow-" He said, rubbing his shoulder, "This is why I listen to her she's scary sometimes!" Nick continued rubbing her shoulder, he ended up having a red hand print on it.

The group continued talking for the rest of the day.

(Hope you liked part 2! Still taking request!) 

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