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(Valens POV)

Its friday morning and we have our first game of the season today at home. Were playing against Falcon bay High school which we've had multiple controversies with just because they're sore losers.

I'm not nervous though, even though it is the first game of the season I'm oddly calm about it. My OCD has calmed down lately which I'm grateful for.

I have no sense of worry that anything is going to go wrong. We have a short practice before the game which is right after schools over and then a break time of 30 minutes before the game actually starts. Basketball has always been the strong suit of the school so you could say our team is pretty good.

I quickly freshen up beforimg slinging the backpack over my shoulder ready to head out. I lock the door checking it twice before knocking on Novah's door so we could head to school together. Nick was picking us up. It's like a routine now that's we've been doing since our little chat, and I'm talking about going to school together not Nick picking us up. Just to clarify

She opens the door aggressively making the door slam on the wall behind. "Sorry I woke up late so I'm currently rushing." She runs around her place, her hair roaming everywhere since it was let down and not tied up or put in a bun like it normally was. "Its ok, your fine we got an ok amout of time before we're actually late." I chuckle a bit watching her scramble everywhere trying to get herself together


We finally made it to school on time, again. We're on a roll. We get out her car and begin walking to the entrance. Banners and flyers of our basketball game plastered anywhere and everywhere, "wild guess but you have a game today" Novah asks sarcastically also seeing the very visible basketball banners and flyers in every direction.

"Yea, today at 5:30 If you wanna come." I tell her hoping she would come. If I'm going to be honest I dont know why I took such an Interest in Novah, but since I did it hard to stop thinking about her.

I haven't had the best past when it came to girls with my OLD player ways being the first thing people say when they bring up my name.

I'm not proud of it when you're a popular basketball player and become the captain in junior year, you tend to get cocky. Of course I'm not like that anymore. I realized that you should treat a girl with the same way you would treat your mom or your mother figure. So now my reputation has changed for the better

"Yea I'll probably come, I have nothing better to do after all." She shrugs. We say our goodbyes and go opposite directions.


I'm currently sitting in history my last class of the day focused on the clock waiting for this class to be over so i can dip. "Dont forget to read chapters 19-26. We will be quizzing on those chapters so make sure to read and revise over them, and also turn in those essays on a historical figure by today at 11:59 PM." The bell rings right after his announcement.

Everyone quickly packs their things and rush out the door, all wagered to leave school. "Mr.Jones can I see you for a minute." Fuck what did I do now. Everyone leaves shortly after, leaving Mr.Elton and I alone to discuss whatever he wanted to say.

"I realize you have a game today after school so I'm giving you a one day extension for the essay." He says flipping through pages of a document. I didnt need an extension but hey who am I to decline. "Thanks, see you Monday." I say before exiting the stuffy ass classroom.

I got a good 45 minutes till we have our practice before our game. Nick and I are gonna go chill at his place then come back for practice. I walk into the parking lot and see Nick leaning on his car with Michelle and Novah.

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