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Valens POV

Its been about a month since i started dating aubrey and im tired. I know this makes me a jack ass but the main reason i finally gave into aubreys offers was to get over Novah. I know dick move, but the thing that bothers me the most is that she tells me she isnt ready for anything serious but then hangs out with Brayden?

They've been unseperable, she invites him to our hangs out now and now everyone one of us including paulina knows him and like him. It pisses me off that he spends more time with her than i do now.

Honestly though i can't handle this anymore. I can't handle aubrey anymore, I'm going to break up with her today. I'm not gonna do it over phone or over text though. I'll head to her place right now and let the news out easy on her.


"I'm coming VV Bae" Aubrey yelled on the other side of the door after I knocked, I hear her heels clicking on the wooden floors getting closer to the door. The door flew open revealing Aubrey wearing this black short sparkly dress and black heels. "You going out soon?" I question walking in after 5 seconds.

"You texted me saying you had something important to say so I figured you were going to propose, it's ok I'll act surprised." She says excitedly not be able to sit still on her couch.

Ok this is going to be a lot harder than I expected. "Ok so um I'm not proposing because we've only been dating for like a month." I clear up that first part then continue, "I want to break up. We're not right for eachother, and it's not fair for you to date someone who isnt as interested in the relationship as you are. I really hope you understand." I finally look up to her to see her pale skin turn red.
"YOUR BREAKING UP WITH ME?" She jumped up abruptly.


I left Aubreys house after what felt like an eternity, after I broke the news she went on a yelling rampage throwing everything she could get her hands on, her apartment is an absolute mess. She has this idea that the real cause of this break up is Novah which she isnt wrong about but for Novah and I sake we won't let her know that.

I finally arrived at my building heading upstairs to my door, as I got closer to my door I noticed Novah and someone else, Brayden. They were saying goodbye to eachother and Brayden pulls her in a side hug mumbling something to her, she reciprocates the hug and says her final goodbye to him and closes the door.

I feel a tiny ping in my heart, I hate what she doing to me. No, she wants me to give up on her but I'm done doing that. I'll be real with her to show her she isnt alone. I walk up to her door and knock 3 times, "Who is it" her little voice echos through the door. "Its me. Valen" I pause realizing she probably doesn't know who 'me' is.

I hear her go quiet for a moment before she opens the door. "I broke up with Aubrey." Was the first thing I said like it was the barrier between us. "Oh I'm sorry about that, you wanna come in?" She gestures moving aside allowin me to enter. We both sat down on her couch not knowing what to say to eachother.

"So how long have you and Brayden been dating" wanting her to answer the question that's been running through my head for the past month.

"We're not dating, why would I date Brayden right after I- never mind. He's just a friend plus he has eyes for someone else." She briefly tells me. "Ok"


Me and Novah are on her couch, me watching what's playing on the TV and her fast asleep. I check the time, '1:54 AM'. Should I go? Novah is laying right on top of me if I leave I'll wake her up and I know she needs this sleep. I'll stay and just leave in the morning. "Good night Novah" I whisper faintly.


"Wake up, were going to be late Valen get up." I wake to a see a distress Novah shaking me roughly trying to wake me up. I finally open both of my eyes and slowly sit up, I check my phone and see its 8:20.


I stand up from the couch, I can already feel the knot in my neck from sleeping on the couch. "We're already late so there is no point of rushing." I tell her, I need to go back to my place to get ready.


I finished freshening up after 20 minutes. I honestly had to with Novah banging on my door every 30 seconds telling me to hurry up. I grab my keys and other essentials and swing open the door reaving Novah getting ready to bang in my door again. "We're fucking late Valen hurey the fuck up." She muttering some more curse words to herself. Ok so she curses a shit ton when she's angry I'll keep that in mind.

We both decided to take my car, and while driving I decided small talk wouldn't hurt.

"So you back to therapy yet?" I say instantly regretting it since I know she doesn't like talking about personal shit in her life. The car goes silent for a while which I expected because its not what you want to hear at almost 9 in the morning.

"I was suppose to go yesterday but she cancelled because of an emergency so I'll go on Friday." We say nothing after her response. I pull up to school and take about 5 minutes to find a parking spot which I expected since we are about 45 minutes late. I finally find a parking spot, Novah and I both get out the car, walking together to the entrance.

"Well here's my stop I'll see you lunch?" I tell Novah, "yea see you then, bye" She gives me a small smile before leaving and I could help but watch her walk away, a feeling in my heart just tells me that I'm going to get to call this girl mines soon.

Thank uuuu for reading ch.21 we have some exciting chapters comes up soooooooo ya'll be patient...see y'all in the next chapter lots of loveeee


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