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Today is Friday a day before Christmas.

We decided to have a Christmas party at Valens place today and then tomorrow, a christmas hang out with just us, me, valen, michelle, paulina and Nick at Michelle's. We decided to get eachother gifts, which might be a little hard since they dont know paulina that well, and if im going to be honest I dont know any of them for the few months I've known them, I know I'm pathetic.

And valen and I, what's going on ? I dont know. Were friend who occasionally kiss and enjoy eachother company, nothing more. I can't give him any more, and I've made that clear incase he expects anymore. I keep telling him to just leave me for his own good but he's so determined to stay, so I'm done trying to convince him, if he gets hurt because of my complicated feelings then it's not my fault as shitty as that sounds. I warned him, I'm a mentally unstable person.



Yesterday (Facetime - 3 hours 53 minutes)

Valen - "Morning Nov, wanna come to target with me to go shopping for the party ? If your busy it's totally cool" - 11:43 am

Me - "Not doing anything, I'll be at urs in a few mins. Morning btw" - 11:44 am


I already showered and done my whole morning routine, but I put on pjs again, so I needa quickly change. I felt adventurous today so I decided since this was going to be what I wear to the party, let it be a little extravagant. I opted on this green cropped knitted top that stopped a little below my jugs. It was really cropped and this was a big step for me getting use to my body and how I looked. Then I decided on this silk flower maxi skirt. Then accessorized myself with waist beads, stone bracelets, a few crystal necklaces, a couple of rings and this dark green cotton typa "sweater" and my quad doc Martins.

I feel so exposed, but I also like the outfit and how it looks on my body

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I feel so exposed, but I also like the outfit and how it looks on my body. Which I havent felt in a while, but I'm also scared to walk out like this, what if I get called a slut for showing my whole stomach ? Or what if I get called attention seeking for what I'm wearing ? Or what if-

A knock on my door cuts my spiraled thoughts. I walk out of my room and open the door, "Valen?" I thought I was suppose to show up to his place not the other way around.

You were taking a little long so I decided to come to your place instead." He says his eyes roaming my whole entire body. Did he think I looked disgusting? Do I not look good? I think i should go change.. "You look good" He tells me still taking in all of me. Why do I feel weird after he said that.

I thank him complimenting his outfit too and tell him I need to go grab something before we can go. I grab my cream knitted tote bag, my wallet and keys and head out.


"So the pary starts at like 6, and its barely even 1, so we have a good amount to decorate and do something else." Valen tells me while still focusing on the road. "Maybe we should go shopping for our gifts." I suggest. "I already got most of my gifts, but I still need one more person so yea we can do that." He agreed. I plugged in my phone to the aux because it's a little quiet. "One night only" by sonder comes up first.


We arrive at target a few minutes ago and now just filling the shopping cart with different alcoholic beverages, plastic cups, and some decoration like lights and some other things.

We decided we'd order food a few minutes before the party starts. About 30 minutes later we're done shopping for party items, valen insisted on paying which I hate. Anytime we hang out he always wants to pay, I dont want him to think I'm just tolerating him for his money.

Now we're on our way to a mall to go shopping for Christmas items. We decided to split up so we dont see what we each get even though he only needs to get something for one more person. Ok first on my list will be Michelle. She loves music more than I love art, but she lost her air pods about a few weeks ago and now has to play her music out loud which doesnt give her the same feels when its blasting through her ear, also her parents dont appreciate the noise very much either.

I walk into apple and go directly to the item I want to buy, the apple airpods max. I was going to just get her the normal airpods, but I can tell she's more of an headphone type of girl also shes told me she would get these if they weren't too expensive. I know it's a lot of money for someone who i barely known, but shes a true friend so she deserves this. I get it in silver so she can pair it with anything and pay.

One down, 3 more. Next up Paulina. I walk into a shoe store which sells a lot of shoe brands and I ask if they sell Doc Martins, and they do. Paulina always compliments my Doc Martin's anytime I wear them and makes it very obvious how much she loves them, she doesnt have a pair yet but now she will. I get her the 8053 Leather Platforms and head out. 2 more to go

Nick is next, nick I definitely dont know him well enough to go shopping for him but here I am. This is going to be hard. I walk past Saint Laurent and realize that he needs a wallet. His current wallet right now is slowly dismantling, and is holding on by a string.

I get him this leather wallet, which was more money than I was expecting, but I dont really spend on myself, so let me spend on the people who are trying their best to dig me out of my whole.

Last person is valen, and I know exactly what to get him. About a few weeks ago I had ask him to play something on his electric guitar, but then he told me he gave it away to his sister who wanted to give it to her teacher who was a former guitarist before he had to quit for his birthday. He so kind hearted, like who would just give away a expensive ass guitar just because their sister asked ? Valen is who.

I walk into this store 'Instramental Music' and ask for a good quality electric guitar which they brought me to this Fender Player Stratocaster HSS guitar. It was expensive as shit 880, but also he deserves it if not more.

 It was expensive as shit 880, but also he deserves it if not more

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I decide to buy it despite the price. Like I said I don't really take myself on shopping sprees because I try to limit my money use, but I can let go for the people who care for me. I pay for the guitar and get a guitar cover so it's easier to package and leave.


Valen and I are now back at his place finishing the final touches for this party, the drink are all on the counter in the kitchen and the foods on it's way. People should start arriving soon too, valen is pretty popular at school since he's in the basketball team, so I'm not going to be surprised if a lot of people show up.

I hope this night is relaxing and fine, that's all I need right now.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter, it's a little longer than usual. I wanted to add details to the gifts and her outfit. This chapter was more of a filler chapter for the next chapter. See you guys in Chaprer 17.


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