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I woke up groaning with the sun light beaming through my curtains. I get up slowly feeling the rough banging in my head, I knew this hangover was going to be killer. Bits of last night memories starts rushing back to me like a wave. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I kissed my neighbor.

That's just great!

I'll apologize or something after I'm ready. At least I don't have school today, because I really wouldn't have went with this bitch ass hangover.

I go to the bathroom avoiding the mirror and immediately heading inside the shower.

What am I gonna do with my life. What's the point? What's stopping me from locking the door, locking the window, block any entrance areas and letting water run till I cant breath?

Absolutely Nothing...sigh nothing stopping me, and that's the problem. I have nothing to live for. I want something to live. God, give me something or someone to live for.


I get out out the shower, maybe I should paint something today. I havent painted in a while. I get dressed in some cargo shorts and a baby tee. I put on some socks and grab a blank canvas, paint and a brush

I set the canvas down and just let my hands do the work. I don't even know what I'm going to draw.

I have a vision in my head. That vision is of a girl sitting on grass on a meadow full of flowers. In the vision the flowers smell fresh and sweeps all the girls worries away with one sniff. The sun is setting right before the girl, the air in the air is calming and the wind blows through her hair, and washings through her face. Theres no one there, and it's just the girl alone enjoying the scene before her. She seems so peaceful. So carefree. Like she had no care in the world. I move the vision from my mind, unto the canvas. I capture the scene and the girl herself, I capture her emotions, her aura, and the beauty of the flowers themselves.

 I capture the scene and the girl herself, I capture her emotions, her aura, and the beauty of the flowers themselves

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How I long to be that girl.
I hear I knock on my door as I was finishing off the painting.
I open the door and see valen standing right before me. His hair was curly and luscious as ever, his eyes ocean blue like I could serf and swim in them. His skin as flawless as paint. He was the definition of perfect, and that definition was standing right in front of me.

"Yes?" I said trying to work on how I talk to people so I dont come off as rude

"I just wanted to see if you were ok after yesterday" He said ever so calmly. Right, yesterday. I kissed him

"Thank you for everything actually, and really really really sorry for kissing you. It was the alchohol I swear, I'm so sorry" I said trying to sound as apologetic as ever.

"No it's ok, I should be apologizing actually. I didnt stop it even though I knew you were drunk, so that's my bad." He apologized too.

"Do you want some water or something?" I offered feeling guilty about making him feel guilty over a kiss that was my fault.

He accepted and came inside and sat down on my couch, I went inside the kitchen and grabbed him a water bottle to give to him as another apology. 'Hey sorry I kissed you and slid my tongue down your throat, here a water bottle as an apology' yes definitely what I should say.

I walk back into the living room and with the water bottle in my hand was ready to hand it to him, but caught him admiring my painting of the girl. "Wow" was all he said, as if he envisioned what I vision when I painted this. As if we shared the same thought.

"Thanks, its nothing" I said trying to get him to not focus on the painting too much. I handed him the water bottle and watched him take 3 big gulps before twisting the cap on with 3 rotations, staring like a creep.

"You wanna go to the park" I blurt out. Why I did, I don't know. "Sure" he said looking back at me, staring into my eyes and not breaking contact.

"We gotta go to my apartment real quick though so I can grab a jacket and some other things, if that's cool with you?" He said, I tell him it's cool and I put on my new balances and grab my keys and wallet.

We enter inside his apartment and he tells me to make myself comfortable while he goes to freshen up before we head to the park.

His apartment is cozy, and makes me feel comfortable. The walls are a light grey color, with the furniture matching a color scheme of grey, white and black. Everything is tidy and neat. Nothings out of place. I notice a beige color electric guitar standing in a corner of the living room. He plays?

"Ok I'm ready to go" He said walking out wearing a black zip up hoodie over her green graphic t shirt, and pairing his outfit with some black crocs.

We walk out the his apartment and he locks his door. Checking if the door was open 3 times. Better safe than sorry I guess.

We walk out the building and start to walk in silence to the park. And no it's not awkward silence it's more of that we don't need to say anything and just like each other company type of silence.

As we were walking, we walked past this person that caught my attention. He looked around my same age maybe a year or 2 older but we looked awfully alike as if he was an exact replica of me. His hair golden brown and as curly as mines. His eyes emerald green, except his was full of life. His lips rose pink and plump just like mines. "That guy looks like you" valen pointed at the same thing I was thinking. "Almost as if you had a twin "

I hum in response still picturing the guy in my head as we walked.


We arrive at the park shortly and spot a bench to sit on. "Novah are you ok" Valen asks me out of the blue. I was taken back because no one has ever asks me that with such sincerity other than my parents. I look at him still taken back, "No, buts who's actually ok" I answer honestly, it's not like he asking me why.

"You're right, no one is actually ok. Everyone has a problem of their own. It just depends on how you chose to help it. You can either let it eat you up, or you can focus on other things that'll take your mind off it." He tells me focusing on the sun setting right before us.

I'm letting it slowly eat me alive, piece by piece and if I don't stop it, I'll be gone.

Thank you so much for finishing ch.4, it means a lot to me that you guys are following me on this books journey. Don't forget to voteeeeee, love y'all


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