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It's been 2 weeks since I started school here, and to my surprise I did make a friend not willingly though. I didnt really have a choice though, she wouldn't take no for an answer, so I was held against my will to be her friend. Well her name is Michelle, I met her in English since we sat right next to each other. Shes pretty cool. I guess I wont be totally lonely this year, and my parents always said that change is good so might as well.

Michelle had asked me yesterday if I could pick her up too, and I guess since were friend I have to. That's what friend do right? They become the others personal chauffeur and shit, i dont know. I cant remember the time I had a real friend. I was happy with my parents. So happy.

I grabbed my backpack and keys, turned off the lights and locked my doors before heading to my car to pick her up.

20 minutes later and I'm in front of her house.

Me- "I'm here" -Read 7:25


Within seconds Michelle popped out of her house, hugging her mom and dad goodbye. I missed that, more than you can imagine.

"Heyy Nov, thanks so much girl for doing me one" Michelle said giving me a little side hug. "Yea no problem, anytime." I said starting the car driving out her driveway. "Btw there's a little seniors party at this one chicks house, your coming." She said apply lip gloss in the mirror, not giving me an option to say no. Trying to argue with her is like trying to arguing with a little kid. "Looks like I'm going" I muttered

We arrived at school 17 minutes after and it was 5 minutes before the first period bell would ring. I said goodbye to Michelle and we walked opposite directions. I'm really not in the mood for math for 1s period. And I feel really iffy today, ik I have to take school seriously but something's just off with me today. I dont know what it is

I opted out on class and decided to skip 1st period. I really dont know what to do, but I also know I dont wanna be in that classroom trying to find x at 8 in the morning. I decided on going to the cafeteria since they had a vending machine to eat my heart away to and tables there for me to sit on.


"Hey dad can you get me some chips from the vending machine please" 12 yr old me said. "Yea sure angle." Dad said getting up from the bench he was sitting on and pulling out his wallet.

He walked up to the vending machine and picked my favorite chips, hot cheetos.

The vending machine took his money, but the hot cheetos was stuck and wouldn't come out. Dad looked at me and I looked at him. We both nodded to make sure we were both thinking of the same thing.

He got on the left side and I got on the right, and we both started to shake the machine till my cheetos and few other snacks came out.

We started laughing as we picked up our snacks, we continued laughing till we saw security yelling and walking towards us for shaking the machine, he grabbed my hand and we both ran away laughing as if nothing else mattered in the world while holding our snacks for dear life."

End of Flashback

I didnt even notice that I was shaking uncontrollably and breathing heavily, hot tears started forming in my eyes, and dropping one after the other. I couldnt hear anything, voices were ringing in my ear. I felt trapped. I was locked in a dark room and couldnt find the light switch. I was alone and scared, and couldnt see, feel, or hear anything. I felt a rough hand on my shoulder shaking me. "hey..hey hey your ok, your ok. Just breath" I tried following what the voice said as my hearing started coming back to me. Breath in 1..2..3, Breath out. I started to snap back into reality, I found the light switch and turned it back on. It was coming to an end. I look up to see him again.

I wipe my visible tears away and stand up quickly startling him "Yea thanks, um you didnt have to do that". I said trying to put on a tough facade

"I did what any normal person would do" he said with a half smile like he was stating the obvious. "I'm novah, and please try not tell anyone about this." I said trying my best to stay calm, no one has rlly ever seen me get a panick attack before except my dad. "Valen. And yea no worries, its not mines to share. You should also probably head back to class 2nd periods about to start." He said walking away the cafeteria. "Your outta class too, so same for you" I said matching his energy. I'm glad he isn't a complete ass wipe


The last period was over and me and Michelle were heading to my place to get ready for this party. I've been to parties before, but usually just to get fucked up but also still keeping to myself.

We finally made it to my room and I plop down into my bed. "Damn girl you got hella clothes. Ima have fun with this" Michael said whispering the last part to herself. "OOH HM OK, What about this!"she said said pulling out a black one sleeve strapped crop top, and grey washed out cargo pants. "That's fine, I'll wear that, just grab me a jacket too." I said standing up from my bed and grabbing the cloths. Michael grabbed her phone and started blasting "Run the World (Girls)" By Beyonce.

Minutes later after a couple of shots...


Me and Michael kept singing back and forth while getting ready (she was yelling ), she kept this song on repeat so this is the 5th time it's playing. Either Michelle really knows how to get a girl out her comfort zone or the alchohol is speaking different languages to me.

"My god do we look like full 8 course meal, with an huge tip on the side" Michelle said twirling me around making me feel like a princess. I've only known her for a little and I'm already warming up to her. "You look awesome too Michelle, that dress suits you." I say trying to give her a compliment back.

We grabbed our stuff and headed out the door, going straight to the car. She gave me the address and I started to drive.


We arrived there shortly after 12 minutes and could already smell the heavy alcohol, weed, and sweat. The air was thick and the room was stuffy. Michelle already told me that we were sticking together since it isnt safe to go alone in a senior party which probably isnt only seniors.

We get out the car and start walking towards the big ass house. This is totally going against my keeping to myself and staying quiet and alone streak, but fuck it i guess. Who could say no to free alcohol?

Ch.2 donzo, Michelle is all of our spirit animals tbh, dont even lie bro. She got our girl outta her little box. And Valen reay do be acting a lil charming. Got my curling my toes a lil🤷🏾‍♀️

I'll StayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ