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(Valens POV)

She walked in about 50 minutes late, probably has something to do with why she left the party so soon yesterday, but hey it doesnt matter shes made it more than clear enough that we're just neighbors who occasionally kiss. I dont even think she considers me a friend, shes never said it before. But it's ok I'm fine with being just what we are, whatever you want to call it.

Aubrey the girl I was talking to last night always nagged me about going on a date or hanging out but I always said no because I wasnt interested and also because of Novah, but when I saw her leaving with Brayden it made it very clear what we were.

"Merry Christmas you guys, now who's ready to open some damn gifts." Michelle yells grabbing everyone's attention. Everyone sits grabbing each of their gifts and sitting in a circle.

"Ok who should open their gifts first." Nick speaks up. "I think Michelle should since shes the host" Paulina suggest. We all agree and everyone gives their gifts to Michelle.

"Ouuu I'm firsttt, yall got me feeling like a little 7 year old on christmas morning." She says giddily earning a chuckle from everyone including Novah. After continpalting for a while she ends up going for the candy cane striped wrapping paper gift. "Who's is this" Michelle asks before she opens it. "Now that would mines" Paulina says shooting up her hand as if she was in class.

Michelle tears it open to see 2 Polaroid cameras one a blue and pink and the refills for the camera. "You bitchh" she says to paulina before jumping on her and hugging her tightly. "I'm just too good" Paulina tries to brag but chokes on her words as Michelle is still hugging her tightly. "Ok let's not turn this Christmas into jail time, you dont want to go to jail for choking someone to death now do you babe?" Nick sneered before getting up to unlatch his girlfriend off paulina.

"I didnt even like the gift that much" Michelle shrugged playful earning a pillow thrown from paulina.


Time went by and everyone has went besides me and Novah, they all voted that I should be next so here I am in the middle of the circle. The first gift I got was from Nick which were tickets to the next Lakers game and a signed Jersey. Then from Michelle some cologne, From Paulina were some clothes which appreciate because I needed to go shopping soon, and now we're on the last gift. Novah

"ok ok stop stalling and open the big ass gift that SHOULD'VE been mine" Michelle yelled the last part under her breath with a fake cough still waiting to see what was underneath the wrapping paper.

I looked at Novah trying to see if she was going to give away what she got me, but no her face was as neutral as ever. No emotion what's so ever.

I breathed in slightly and started ripping off the wrapping paper feeling all the stares on me. After all the wrapping paper was off, in sight was a big brown box. "Will you stop acting like a fucking turtle and open the damn boxx" Paulina,Nick and Michelle all said in union eager to see what was in the box.

As soon as I slid the box top of slightly I could already see what it was, "This has to be a joke" I said in disbelief. "Bro can you just show us the suspense is killing me" Nick whined as he through his head on Michelle's lap.

Paulina and Michelle nod their heads agreeing with Nick. Novah just sitting their taking in my expression to see if I liked the gift.

I decide to feed their curiousity and bring out the gift from its box. It was a brand new electric guitar. I told her I gave my old one away to my sister and she actually got me a new one. I could kiss her. She'd probably push me off but still. Everyone's eyes popped out of their socket with their mouths dropped down wide.

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