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I took like an extra week off my therapy sessions but now I'm back to my normal schedule and have a session today since it's Monday. I already arrived at school and pulled up to the students parking lot.

I get out of my car and see Valen and Aubrey in the distance talking and laughing together. I'm sincerely happy for him, no weird feeling anymore. This is how it has to be for at least one of us to be happy, and I'd prefer his happiness over my own. Enough staring I need to head to class.

As I was heading to my first class of the day. Math, I felt a hand pull me back, "yo why'd you dip" Brayden approached me suddenly, I knew what he was talking about but didn't know what to say. "I had somewhere to be and didn't want to wake you to just say goodbye, it seemed dumb." I come up with a reasonable mostly true response. "Alr thas valid I guess, you tryna hang later tonight." I knew what hanging out meant.

I don't turn hookups with someone into an occasional thing, I don't want them getting attached and I don't want to have to be the one that lets them down. "Um I'm low key busy tonight, and I got to head to class, I'll see you around though." I say patting him on his shoulder with an awkward sort of smile on my face. I turned around the smile in disguise slowly faltering off my face, quickly walked away not wanting him to say another word to me.

I handled that pretty terribly huh, and now I'm late I look down on my phone to see 1 more minute before the bell rang. Theres no point rushing if I'm already late.


I get to class 3 minutes after the bell rang, I open the door quietly hoping She didnt hear me coming in. "Ms.Jacklin, late again. Dont disrupt my class and sit down" Mrs.Breacher said back to her cold attitude. I avoid all the stares and go sit down in my usual spot in the back of the class.

"Heyyyy Novahh" the familiar voice says. It's a routine at this point, I come to class, I sit down and I get greeted by Nick. "Hey Nick" I turn to give him a smile and turn back to face the board before I angry the dragon. A few minutes go by and now I'm in my own thoughts day dreaming, I could hear what Mrs.Breacher was saying but also couldn't if you know what i mean. "Can you tell me what the answer is Novah?" Mrs.Breacher says picking on me clearly thinking I wasn't paying attention which I wasn't but still "75.4"

Her smile falters disappointed that I got the question correctly. Oh how much I love teachers who pray for your downfall, aren't they the best.


It was lunch time and ever since I got back from the ward I've been sitting with Michelle, Nick and Valen. "Oh my Godddd I literally hate Mr.Smith so much, he gave me a 47% on my final paper." Michelle's complains dropping her lunch tray right next to me. Nick arrives in the lunch room, but by himself. No valen. He slides in the seat in front of Michelle, "y'all seen valen yet? " Nick says reading my mind. "Nope" Michelle drops her head on the table popping the p.

And on Que Valen walks into the lunchroom, but he isn't alone. Wrapped around his arm is Aubrey. He looks towards our table and make his way towards us. "Hey guys what's up, this is aubrey" He introduces his new girlfriend.

"Hey you guys" Her High voice screeches through our ears. I don't know how to describe her without sounding fucked up and judgemental but here I go.

She was wearing a white tube top with a pink cardigan, a mini pink skirt and hot pink heels. Her blonde hair pin straight falling to her mid back and her lips were thin but over lined with lip liner and coated with hot pink lipstick. I'm not gonna comment on how she looks, as long as he's happy.

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