Chapter 51

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Y/n and Doyoung stared at each other for a few more minutes before Wendy cleared her throat and stood between them, "so, do you get it now? Why they keep calling you Doyoung?" she asked.

"Yeah," Y/n nodded, smiling as he looked at Doyoung for a few more seconds before turning his attention to Wendy. "I totally get it now," he said, offering his hand before clearing his throat, returning his attention to Doyoung again, smiling.

"Uh, I'm Kim Y/n. It's nice to meet you... Doyoung."

Doyoung chuckled and looked at his members in disbelief, "hey, even our surnames were the same," he exclaimed before turning to Y/n again, "I'm Kim Dong-Young, but my stage name is Doyoung, so you can call me that."

Meanwhile, the other girls continued to lounge in the practice room while waiting for the couple to return from their mini trip around the company. "Say... did you guys planned this surprise or something?" asked Seulgi, raising her head from Yeri's stomach to look at Manager Song and Irene.

The two exchanged looks before nodding, "well, it was mostly Y/n's idea," Manager Song said before crossing his arms, leaning against the wall while looking at Yeri, Seulgi, and Joy, where the latter two had their heads on Yeri's stomach. "We sort of... just go along with it."

"What do you mean?" asked Seulgi again, tilting her head.

Manager Song hummed before getting up, "after the call from Manager Kim, I told Wendy about his decision to cut your holiday off, she got really upset," he said before grabbing his coat from the swivel chair at one corner of the room, putting it on. "And it was Y/n who convinced her to come back here."

"And what does that have to do with..."

Before Joy could finish her question, Irene said, "Y/n suggested to come to the city since Wendy wouldn't be able to go back to the village any time soon," she exclaimed. "So, this is sort of his return visit," she added.

The door swung open shortly after, and Wendy and Y/n entered the room. "It's also my attempt to step out of my comfort zone," said the latter while walking with Wendy towards the other members. "It's been a while since my last visit to the city, so..." he shrugged and watched as Wendy sat on the floor with the rest of her members.

Irene hummed before crossing her arms, "let's just hope that Manager Kim doesn't know about Y/n visiting the company... or he will be livid," she exclaimed, and the room erupted into laughter.

Wendy shook her head, "don't worry – we made sure that the NCT members won't say anything," she replied confidently, and Irene nodded.

"They are one thing – the staff that you guys might stumbled upon is another," Irene said.

Y/n and Wendy exchanged looks before chuckling, "I wouldn't worry too much about that," the former reassured before walking towards Manager Song, standing by the door, waiting for Y/n with a soft smile.

Irene tilted her head in confusion, "why do you say that?"

"Everyone mistook him as Doyoung, so..." Wendy shrugged.

Yeri, Joy, and Seulgi stared at Y/n for a while before chuckling, "now that you mentioned it," Joy said as she took a closer look at him before a huge smile formed on his face, "he does look a lot like him."

Irene also started to study his face a little more before nodding, "yeah... he actually does," she said in agreement.

Manager Song cleared his throat before clasping his hands, "well, we better get going, Y/n," he said, looking at his watch before smiling at Y/n, who was still standing by Wendy.

Wendy looked at Y/n while raising her eyebrows, "wait, where are you going?" she asked.

Y/n smiled and reached down to kiss Wendy's head before walking over to Manager Song, "I still need to unpack. I'll see you later, babe," he said to her before walking out the door with their manager.

"I love you," said Y/n as he peeked inside the practice room.

Wendy nodded, "I love you too, Y/n!" she replied after Y/n closed the door behind him.


Once Y/n and Manager Song got to the latter's place, the former started to unpack his luggage, having taken it out of Wendy's car, which he drove to the city.

"Make yourself at home," said Manager Song as he removed his dress shirt and changed into a more comfortable baggy shirt. He walked to his fridge and pulled out two cans of soft drinks before placing them on the counter.

Y/n, looking over his shoulder, chuckled before getting up from the floor, "soft drinks? Where is the beer?" he asked jokingly before walking towards the counter, sitting on one of the stools and grabbing one of the soft drinks.

Manager Song chuckled before shaking his head, "I would've offer them to you, but then I would have to suffer watching you enjoying them alone," he said.

"Then drink with me," Y/n replied.

"I can't – I need to drive the girls to the broadcasting company later," Manager Song said before drinking the remaining soft drink on the counter before leaning against the kitchen counter while looking at Y/n, looking around his place in amazement.

Manager Song hummed softly before straightening his back and walking towards Y/n, "I know it's not as good as those luxurious ones you saw on TV, but you don't have to pretend to be amazed by it," he exclaimed with a soft chuckling.

"Are you kidding me?" Y/n looked at him in disbelief, "it was as good as it could get," he said before getting off the stool and walking towards the living room, walking around it before landing his eyes on a PS5 on the wooden TV stand, "woah..." he looked at Manager Song, who was following him around with a smile.

Manager Song shrugged before taking a chug of his soft drink, "feel free to use it," he said before walking back to the kitchen when he heard his phone ringing. "I couldn't find any free times to play it anyway," he added before picking up the call.

Y/n looked at him and then at the PS5 before sitting on the couch, sitting in silence as he let Manager Song answer the call without any disturbance.

The call went on for more than fifteen minutes before Manager Song finally ended it, "alright, yeah. Just wait," he said before ending it. He looked at Y/n apologetically before walking into the living room.

"It's Manager Kim. He is at the..." Before he could finish his words, the doorbell rang, "door..." he added before looking at Y/n, "hurry up and hide in my room," he urged before hearing the more demanding sound of the doorbell ringing impatiently.

Y/n didn't waste a second as he quickly got on his feet and entered Manager Song's room, locking himself in it as he pressed his ear against the door, attempting to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two managers.

"Took you long enough to open the door," Manager Kim said.

"Yeah, I was getting changed," Manager Song replied, and Y/n could hear their footsteps walking around the living room.

"Were you on a trip or something? Why are you unpacking in the living room?" 

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