Chapter 74

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The next day, Y/n woke up early in the morning, and as usual, he got ready for the day and went downstairs to cook breakfast for the whole house. As he moved through the kitchen, he was accompanied by the drizzle outside as it hit the window, and the humming of the fridge created a calming ambiance as he cooked.

Five minutes later, Sejeong went downstairs and lazily entered the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. "Good morning," she greeted before yawning.

Y/n smiled, looking at her. "Good morning – did you sleep well?" he asked, moving from the counter to the sink while waiting for Sejeong's answer.

Sejeong hummed, "I did," she answered and walked towards the counter, leaning against it as she watched her cousin moving busily and actively early in the morning – he has been like this since graduating from Le Cordon Bleu. When she thought about how he decided to move out, Sejeong couldn't imagine waking up without the busy noises coming from the kitchen at this hour once Y/n was gone.

After a few minutes, Sejeong talked again, "Y/n..." she called, looking at him.

Y/n hummed in response as he looked over his shoulder at Sejeong, smiling softly, "what is it?"

"Do you really have to move out? I mean... can't you stay?" she asked, crossing her arms.

The question made Y/n stop what he was doing for a few seconds before he rinsed his hands on the sink, wiping it with a clean towel before walking towards Sejeong, smiling softly before pinching her cheeks and then brushing the hair obstructing her view. "You don't want me to move out?"

His question was meant as a joke, but when Y/n saw Sejeong's seriousness when she replied with a stern yes, he realized that she didn't want her cousin to move out, at least not yet because then she would be alone.

"Come on, Sejeong..." he chuckled before ruffling her hair, "it's not like you wouldn't get to see me again – you can always come to the city to visit me, or if you want me to come home, I'm one call away," he added, looking at his cousin with a soft smile.

Sejeong sighed, looking away from Y/n. "It wouldn't feel the same if you only come when I asked you to," she huffed, maintaining her gaze on the floor.

Y/n stared at her for a while before sighing. "Sejeong..." he cleared his throat before dragging the stools, seating her on the one facing him as he sat on the other. Sejeong looked at him while raising her eyebrows. "Do you remember when you first moved in with us, always told me to leave you alone?"

"Yeah...I remember," Sejeong nodded, smiling at the memory. "But what does that have anything to do with what we are discussing right now?" she asked, slightly tilting her head while looking at Y/n.

Her cousin hummed and shrugged, "well...I was just wondering if you still remember it – and look at you are getting attached to me, and why?" he teased.

Sejeong started to blush out of embarrassment as she looked away momentarily before looking back at Y/n, more collected, before talking, "Can you blame me for being attached to the only person that took care of me at school and being there when I needed you? You were a great cousin, Y/n – as much as I hate admitting it," she exclaimed before getting up from the stool.

"You should go back to cooking now... I want to shower," said Sejeong quickly before leaving the kitchen, heading upstairs again. Y/n watched his cousin in disbelief before chuckling, shaking his head, and resuming his work in the kitchen.

Later that morning, they were gathered in the dining room – some were at the kitchen counter as they had breakfast. As they ate, Y/n looked around before clearing his throat, "Grandpa, are you going to the potato field today?" he asked while eating his breakfast.

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