Chapter 45

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Wendy laughed softly after hearing Y/n. "What's gotten into you? Did you smoked something in the toilet?" she asked jokingly.

Y/n giggled before shaking his head, "no. I was just thinking... and I felt lucky to be accepted by you," he hummed, tightening the hug.

"Getting bolder now, are we?" The couple immediately broke their hug when Y/n's mom walked past them with a teasing smile. "There is time and place for everything, you know?" she added before pulling Y/n to the kitchen.

See you later... Y/n mouthed as he let himself get dragged to the kitchen. Wendy giggled at the sight before nodding. She stood there for a while, her plan to go to the kitchen aborted as she returned to the living room where the rest of her friends were at.

Meanwhile, Y/n looked at his mom with a small smile, "you really have to ruin the moment, don't you?" he asked before switching his attention to the vegetables his mom put on the counter.

Lina chuckled before looking at her son with a sheepish smile, "I would've let you two continue, but I needed your help with dinner," she said before handing Y/n his chef's knife that she took from one of the drawers. "I want the carrots rondelle style," she commanded.

Y/n stared at her in disbelief, "do you even know what kind of cut that is?"

"Of course," Lina confidently nodded before grabbing a knife and cutting the potatoes into wedges. "Let's cook Indian food tonight," she winked at her son before cutting the potatoes.

"You haven't even washed the potatoes," Y/n pointed out before grabbing the carrots and putting them in a colander, washing them in the sink while occasionally rubbing dirt off them with his fingers.

Lina looked at the potatoes as realization hit her, "ah – right," she hummed before handing them to Y/n. "Why don't you wash the potatoes too while you are at it," she told him before walking towards the dining room. "Call me when it's ready."

Back in the living room, Sejeong looked at Irene and Suho, who were closer than ever before, smiling. "It's good to see you two like this," she exclaimed before crossing her arms, "it makes me wonder if I will ever find someone," she sighed softly.

Irene looked at Sejeong with a smile, "don't worry – the right one will come eventually," she said before patting her shoulder. "Besides, you are still in your twenties, no?"

Sejeong looked at her, "Yeah, I am. But that..."

"It's better to let destiny unify you and the right person instead of you keep getting hurt with wrong people," Suho chimed in, suddenly sounding like a wise hermit.

Wendy looked at Suho with an impressed expression, "that's cool coming from you," she nodded approvingly before sitting at the spot Y/n sat on previously. "But he is right, Sejeong. It's better if you wait for the right person."


Somewhere in Seoul, Manager Kim entered a café where he agreed to meet up with someone. He discreetly walked past other people before sitting down at a secluded table. "Thank you for agreeing to see me," he said to the person before him.

"Let's cut to the chase, shall we? I am a busy man."

Manager Kim cleared his throat before nodding, "right..." he said before looking around, "I have info that will surely give your website a boost in visitors," he said confidently before placing an envelope on the table.

"Are you sure about that?" asked the man before taking the envelope, checking its content. "What makes you so sure that this info will help our website?"

Manager Kim smirked, "because it is related to Red Velvet," he said before leaning against his seat, "this kind of info doesn't come often, Mr Song. So, what do you say?"

Mr. Song raised an eyebrow before going through the pictures, "Won't this get you in trouble?" he asked, looking at Manager Kim, who shook his head with a smug look.

"Only if I get caught," Manager Kim exclaimed before looking around once again, making sure no one saw him with the founder of the K-pop news website, (this is fictional).

Back in Y/n's village, Wendy entered the kitchen when the delicious smell of curry filled the whole house. "Are you cooking curry?" she asked excitedly as she approached Y/n, who was stirring the red curry in a pot.

Y/n looked at Wendy, "yup... beef curry," he said with a smile before grabbing a spoon from the tray. He washed it before scooping some of the curry broth and offering it to Wendy, "do you want to taste it?"

Wendy nodded excitedly before taking the spoon and tasting the curry. Her eyes shot wide open as she tasted the sweet and spicy curry. "It's so good!" she exclaimed before quickly fanning her mouth with her hand, "but it is a little too spicy for me," she added.

"Is it?" Y/n raised an eyebrow before gently taking Wendy's spoon and tasting the curry. He quickly put the spoon in the sink before grabbing a bottle of cold water from the fridge and handing it to Wendy before drinking the tap water.

After the spiciness had subsided, Y/n looked at the curry. "I swear it taste perfect a few minutes ago," he mumbled before looking at his mother. "Mom, did you add more chili powder in the pot?"

Lina, who was in the dining room, looked up from her phone before looking at Wendy and Y/n, who both were still trying to get the spicy sensation off their tongues. "Huh, oh, yeah. I did," she said before looking back at her phone.

"Why?" Y/n whined before grabbing another bottle of water from the fridge for Wendy.

"I thought you forgot to add them because the color wasn't as red as the one in the article I read online," Lina reasoned before getting up from her seat.

Y/n groaned before grabbing a carton of milk from the fridge. "Mom, I purposely didn't follow the recipe you gave because that is Thai Red Curry. We are making Indian curry!" he retorted before pouring some milk into the pot, attempting to balance out the spiciness.

Wendy continued to drink the water Y/n gave before slowly stepping away from the kitchen area, leaning against the kitchen entrance. She could still taste the spiciness on her lips and tongue, but the sight of Y/n moving efficiently in the kitchen mesmerized her so much that she forgot that the spiciness was there.

"I'm sorry, Wendy," Y/n apologized as he took another taste of the curry – the spiciness was milder compared to a minute ago. "I didn't expect it to be that spicy," he sighed before looking at Wendy with a small smile.

"It's alright..." Wendy answered with a hiccup, "It still tasted good," she added with another hiccup.

"Besides, spicy food is perfect for this weather," she exclaimed as the rain started to pour heavier.

Right then, there was a knock at the front door, gaining their attention. "Can you handle things around the kitchen while I get the door?" asked Y/n as he approached Wendy, but before the latter could say anything, Sejeong walked out of the living room.

"I will get it!"

"I will get it!"

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