It's time

499 19 47

I feel like my heart might have stopped, and I am torn between being concerned, annoyed that she did not say anything and in awe that she managed to calmly finish her testimony.

A murmur of concern ripples through the courtroom. Celestia's face tightens, and I can see her trying to stay calm and composed. My heart races as I realize how serious this situation is.

"I just want to go to the car and drive to the hospital," Celestia says, her voice strained. But I know better. With five and a half weeks left until her due date and carrying twins, we can't take any risks.

"No, Celestia". I say firmly, my voice filled with urgency. "You need to lie down and wait for an ambulance. It's not safe to drive there ourselves".

Though my mind races with thoughts of the babies getting entangled in the umbilical cord, I don't mention it to her. I don't want to scare her more than she already is.

Celestia hesitates, and I know that mostly She doesn't want to be a bother to anyone, but finally nods in agreement. With the help of Alan, we carefully lower her to the floor. I quickly roll up my jacket and place it under her head, trying to make her as comfortable as possible.

As we wait for the ambulance, I hold Celestia's hand, trying to reassure her. "Everything will be okay". I whisper, although I am not sure if I'm trying to convince her or myself.

Felicity watches us with a mix of mild concern and resentment, while that calculating lawyer of hers, Vicktoria, observes the scene impassively. I think they are well aware that their case has crumbled.

The courtroom doors burst open, and paramedics rush in with a stretcher. They swiftly assess the situation and start to prepare Celestia for transport.

"We will take good care of her". One of the paramedics assures me. "You can of course ride with us to the hospital".

I nod, my heart pounding as they wheel Celestia out of the courtroom. I spare a glance at Felicity and Vicktoria. Alan gives me a nod and a smile, promising to call if the jury comes to a conclusion.

After a deep breath, I follow the paramedics, ready to be by Celestia's side.

As the paramedics load Celestia into the ambulance, I climb in beside her. I take her hand in mine, offering her a reassuring smile. The steady hum of the ambulance engine fills the air, but all my focus is on Celestia and the precious lives she carries within her.

The lead paramedic, a woman with a kind face, attaches a blood pressure cuff to Celestia's arm. "Let's check your blood pressure". She says, taking a reading.

"Breathe Tom". Celestia says, squeezing my hand softly.

The paramedic glances at the monitor and nods. "It's a bit high, but nothing alarming. We will keep an eye on it".

Celestia chuckles nervously. "I have been having trouble with low blood pressure lately, so this is a nice change of pace".

As we continue to the hospital, the medical team hooks up a fetal heart rate monitor to Celestia's belly. The sound of our babies' heartbeats fills the ambulance, a rapid but steady rhythm that quickens my own pulse.

"One of the babies has a slightly elevated heart rate". The paramedic notes. "But it's still within normal range, especially considering the circumstances. So nothing to worry about".

I squeeze Celestia's hand, trying to offer her comfort and strength. She smiles at me, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and hope.

The ambulance comes to a stop, and the doors fly open. A team of medical professionals, including a doctor and a midwife, are waiting for us at the hospital entrance.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now