A rough start

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The cool air of the operating room sends shivers down my spine as I lay on the table, my heart pounding in anticipation. Tom, my rock, holds my hand tightly, his eyes filled with love and concern. I know he's just as anxious as I am, but he is doing his best to stay strong for both of us.

The doctors move quickly, and before I know it, I hear the first cry. It's faint, barely audible, and I hold my breath, waiting for it to become stronger. "She just had a bit of water in her airways". The doctor reassures us, and my heart swells with relief as the cry grows louder.

They gently place the baby on my chest, skin against skin, her small body warm and fragile against mine. A nurse is putting a blanket over her so she gets warmth from me without being exposed.

I gaze down at her, tears streaming down my face. "Welcome to the world, Mia," Tom whispers, leaning down to kiss her tiny head.

"How do you know it's Mia and not Lily?" I ask, my voice cracking from emotion.

He smiles tenderly, his eyes never leaving our daughter. "I just know. She looks like a Mia."

The moment is brief but magical, our hearts entwined as we welcome our first child into the world. But there is still one more baby to come, and the doctors quickly return to their work.

The room fills with tension once again, the hum of the medical equipment and the muffled conversation of the medical staff fading into the background as I focus on the tiny life being pulled out from inside me. Tom's grip on my hand tightens, and I can see the worry in his eyes.

As the doctors work to bring Lily into the world, my thoughts drift back to the chaos we have faced recently. The courtroom drama with Felicity, the fainting spell that landed me in the hospital, and the stress of Tom's fame. But right now, none of that matters. All that matters are our two precious girls and the love we share as a family.

Finally, the second cry pierces the air, strong and fierce, and I know our Lily has arrived. They place her on my chest beside her sister, and I am overcome with a love so powerful it takes my breath away. Tom's smile is radiant, his eyes filled with tears.

We hav faced many challenges in a short time, but in this moment, with our beautiful daughters in my arms, everything else fades away. We are a family, bound by love, and nothing will ever tear us apart.

As the doctors finish delivering the placenta, they carefully begin to sew me up. I can feel the tugging sensation, but no pain, thanks to the anesthesia. The medical staff work with an air of efficiency, but something in the atmosphere shifts, and I can sense a slight unease.

The doctor turns to Tom, her expression serious. "We need to take the babies to the neonatal unit for a checkup. They would be going there regardless, due to being premature, but Mia's lips are turning a bit bluish, and she is breathing a little too fast. So I would like to move Them now, just to make sure everything's alright. You are welcome to go with them".

Tom's face goes pale, and he looks at me, torn between staying by my side and going with our daughters. I give him a reassuring smile, trying to hide my own worry. "Go with them, Tom. Make sure they are okay".

He hesitates for a moment before leaning down to kiss me gently. "I love you, Celestia. I will be back as soon as I can".

"I love you too". I whisper back, watching as two nurses place Mia and Lily in portable incubators. Tom follows them, his stride filled with determination as they roll our girls towards the neonatal ward.

I'm left in the operating room, feeling a strange mixture of elation and fear. The doctors continue their work, closing the incision with practiced precision. My thoughts race, and I try to focus on the positives, on the incredible joy of finally meeting our daughters. But the worry gnaws at me, refusing to let go.

As the medical team finishes, they wheel me to a recovery room. I'm grateful for their efficiency and professionalism, but every second feels like an eternity as I wait for news of our babies. I clasp my hands together, praying that Mia and Lily will be alright.

The clock ticks by slowly, each minute stretching into an agonizing eternity. And as I wait, my heart aching with love and fear, I hold onto the hope that we'll soon be reunited, that everything will be okay.

As I follow the nurses, pushing the portable incubators with our precious daughters inside, I can't help but feel overwhelmed. I'm a father now... it's a surreal and incredible thought. I glance at Mia and Lily, struck by how tiny and fragile they look. My heart clenches with a mixture of love, pride, and anxiety.

One of the nurses, sensing my nervousness, offers me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Mr. Hiddleston. Your babies look strong and healthy for their age. They are in good hands".

I nod, grateful for her words. "Thanks, and please say Tom".

But the fear still gnaws at the back of my mind. We arrive at the neonatal ward, and the staff there takes over, expertly handling the incubators and transferring Mia and Lily to their designated spaces.

B"Congratulations, Mr. Hiddleston". one of them exclaims, her eyes warm and friendly. "Your daughters are beautiful".

"Thank you, and please say Tom". I reply, doing my best to smile despite the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

I watch as the nurses tend to Mia, checking her vital signs and monitoring her breathing. The bluish tint of her lips is still present, but I take solace in the fact that she is receiving the best care possible.

Lily, on the other hand, seems to be doing well. She is responsive and her color is good. I can't help but smile when I see her tiny hand clutching the edge of her blanket. It's moments like these that make me realize just how blessed I am.

As the minutes pass, I find myself pacing back and forth, my eyes constantly darting between Mia and Lily. I wish I could be with Celestia right now, but I know she'd want me here, making sure our daughters are alright.

Then, a doctor approaches me with an update. "Mr. Hiddleston, I have checked Lily and she is impressively strong for her age. I will still recommend a day or two in an incubator with a bit of extra oxygen, just to be on the safe side. But I suspect it won't be long before she can go home".

I let out a sigh of relief, tears springing to my eyes. While I can't help to take her home with us, to take both of them home, I have to admit I will rather err on the side of precaution than risk anything. "Thank you, doctor".

He must have noticed how I look at Mia, who is still getting checked by another doctor, as he says. "There will be an update on Mia in a moment, she might need a bit more help, but we are not too worried".

"Thanks, again". I say with a relieved release of breath.

"You are welcome. We will continue to keep a close eye on both of your daughters, but so far, things are looking good... ".

The doctor's words are cut off by the sudden blare of an alarm. My heart leaps into my throat as I see the medical staff rushing towards the table where Mia was getting her check up. Panic surges through me, and I realize that Mia has stopped breathing.

"Excuse me". The doctor says urgently, cutting off his update and sprinting towards the commotion. I stand there, frozen in fear, my eyes locked on Mia as the medical team works frantically to help her.

The seconds stretch into an eternity as I watch them perform their life-saving measures. My hands tremble, and I feel as if the ground is about to swallow me whole. A nurse tries to guide me to a seat, but I can't tear my eyes away from my baby girl.

"Please". I whisper, my voice breaking. The idea of having to bring bad news to Celestia is crushing my heart. "Please let her be okay".

The medical team works with incredible precision and focus, their hands moving in perfect synchrony as they do everything in their power to save Mia. I hold my breath, praying for a miracle, for that tiny cry to fill the air once more.

Having Toms Baby (a Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now