53- my father? (season 4)

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{season 4}

it's been a long time since ian left and i missed him even more than i thought i was going to. also lip left for college, so my closed siblings were gone.

i tried to help fiona the best i could with debbie, carl and liam. debbie and carl going through the first teenage years.

especially debbie can be really annoying sometimes. no offense. i guess.

also frank's been missing for a few days but i don't give a fuck about it. i'm glad to be honest.

today carl and i were watching TV in the living room, when we heard a knock at the door. debbie was taking liam over to her friend holly. the slut girl who wanted to hook up with lip. anyway, carl got up and opened the door.

it was mike, fiona's new boyfriend, aka her boss.

"fiona!" carl called her as he walked in and stood behind the couch. "mike!"

"what is this?" he asked, looking at the TV. "saw? on a sunday morning?"

"on the daily bases." i shrugged and kept on looking at the screen where a person got cut in two halfs.

"mike your real name?" i asked. just a routin question i'm gonna ask everytime fiona has a new boyfriend, to check if he's using a fake identity like jimmy for months.

"yeah. i mean, micheal, but yeah, mike." mike answered.

"ever steal a car?" carl asked the question that also popped up in my head. he's so silimar to me i swear.

"what?" mike quetiones.

"yo, you banging my sister?" i just went straight into it.

"excuse me?"

"you banging my sister?" i asked again, turning around to face him.

"well, uh-"

"you know, in the end i don't care but if you're thinking of betraying her or leaving her at some day, i just wanted to let you know i'll chop your dick and hands off." i look at him.

he scoffs as fiona walks in. "hi." she smiles.

"hey." he smiles and leans in to give her a kiss. "you ready to go?"

"yeah, absolutely." fi smiles back. "okay, i'll be back around 6. don't set the house on fire." she ruffles through my hair and gives carl a kiss on the head.

mike gives her an asking look.

"just kidding." she giggles and he nods. opening the door and letting mike go out first, fi turns around to face me once again. "i'm not kidding." she says in silent letters and i give her thumbs up.


about two hours later carl and i still hung out on the couch, watching a documentry about some fucking insects. i was smoking a cigarette when we heard a knock on the door again.

"DOOR!" carl yells.

"jesus carl, sheila's not gonna open, she's busy with- with cleaning our house." i shake my head as i get up to open the door.

when i open it, i see tony withh frank laying over his shoulder.

"frank?" i ask. what the fuck.

as tony and i walk upstairs i smell a horrible smell coming from frank. ew.

"where is everybody?" tony asks.

"ian ran away, lip's at college, debbie took liam somewhere with he skanky friend holly and carl's been watching TV for 3 hours." i explain as we enter my room.

tony lets frank down on my bed. hell nah.

"fiona?" he asks.

"bears game. she's probably banging some dude from work. we get free cups." i shrug as he looks at me with a suspicious look.

"well okay" he shrugs his shoulders. "good luck." he walks out.

fuck me.

"carl! get your fucking ass up here!" i shout downstairs.

a few seconds later carl joined me staring at frank's body. "what the fuck."

"i know. and i hate him but i don't want to have him laying in my fucking bed. in this condition. now help me get him outta here." i order.

it took us almost hald an hour to drag his body into the bathroom.

"jesus this fucking smell is killing me." i scoff as i let him down on the floor.

"what was that?" carl asks as something jumps off frank's body.

"a fucking bug. eww." i snap.

"we have to wash him." carl pipes up.

i shake my head. "ain't no fucking way i'm gonna wash that prick."

"come on, violet, he's your father."

"my father? he never gave a shit about me. did he ever wash me when i needed him to? no he didn't." i snap at my little brother.

"then don't be like him. be better." he looks at me with a begging look. i shake my head and sight. then i start taking off the muddy cloths on his body.

"i can't belive we're doing this." i mutter as i turn on the water after we put him into the shower.

the water that ran into the drain was brown.

*editos note: hello guys, i'm sorry for this boring and short ass chapter but i have zero motivation right now. also i'm studying for a test that's very important for my further education. anyway, also sorry for my shitty writing style this chapter idk why it's like that. next chapters gonna be better i swear
see you in the next chapter :)*

violet gallagher // shamelessWhere stories live. Discover now