41- shot in the ass

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i was working at the kash n' grabs that day, bend over some shelfs, when i heard someone behind me.

"don't know what it is, swwetheart, but, uh, i feel less alone in the world, knowing i can drive across the town and find you here, bent over cans of chicken stock." ned said.

i turned around "the fuck are you doing here?" i asked rolling my eyes.

"look, i'm sorry. truely."

"hey, stay away from her." ian came in the door. ned turned around and then looked back at me.

"violet, can you forgive a man who's falling apart a little?" he asked.

"jesus, what the fuck do you want from me?" i snapped.

"a kiss?"

"no." ian and i said simutsaneously. "move, bitch." i said carrying a box with chicken stocks over to the counter, which ian sat behind. he watched ned closely.

"so, listen, i need somebody to rob my house." ned said.

"then go ask anyone exept her." ian butted in. ned just ignored him. "and i'm hoping you could help."

"you want me to rob you fucking house?" i asked, lowering my voice a bit.

"candace changed the locks on the house, my goddamn house and she won't let me back in, so i need somebody to steal my stuff." he came a little closer to my face.

"hey, back up a little bit." ian warned him.

"it's all right ian, i got this." i smiled at him. "why you asking me? why don't you hire a professional robber?"

"need to save some money. also you're southside, you have experience with robbing, don't ya?"

i shrugged. "you got a point." i muttered.

"anyway, you go in during daylight hours and you look like movers. you'll be fine." i walked over to one of the fridges and he followed me. "look, she stays up till 3am drinking stoli vanilla and watching bowflex ads. she'll be unconscious until well past noon. i mean, this could be very lucrative for you. youi can take anything you want, it's all insured. all i want are my two armani suits, my lucian freud and my bottle of 1990 chateau latour pauillac."

i looked at him thinking.

"what do you say? will you do it?"


if i was gonna rob ned's house i needed some help. and the first one who came into my mind was mickey.

so i had to find him. i went to that abandoned building, which mick sometimes talked of. and i was right. i didn't even enter the building and i already heard gunshots. when i got onto the roof, i found mickey with a cigarette in his mouth sitting on a box or something, shooting random stuff on the floor. and he didn't miss a single time.

"hey, mick!" i called and he looked down.

"violet? the fuck do you want?"

"you know that guy you beat the shit out of at the club?" i asked.

"yeah, what about him?"

"he wants me to sneak into his mansion, take all of his crap."

"really?" he smiled sarcastically. "hilarious." another gunshot. i gotta be honest, it looked so hot, him holding a gun.

"can't get it himself. divorce. says i can take whatever i want. he's loaded. you want in?" i asked. then he shot 3 times, twice on my left, 1 time on my right. "jesus!" i snapped.

"can i bring my cousins?" he asked, jumping down to me. he looked to tall next to me. i looked at him as he handed my the cigarette.

"yeah." i said taking a drag.

"all right, i'm in. i still don't know what you see in that geriatric viagroid."

"he buys me stuff. orders me room service." i said, giving him back his smoke. i saw the jealousy in his eyes. "he isn't afraid to kiss me." i smiled.


i was about to leave when i saw lip in the kitchen. i walked over to him. "why are you being a dick to mandy?" i asked, squinting my eyes. mandy called me and told me that lip was acting really rude and stuff to her lately.

"that qualities as none of your fucking business." he said, opening a beer.

"she called me from her aunt's house. said you told her to go home. the fuck is up with you?" i snapped.

"look, vi, she is always on me about, you know, our plans for the night.and when we're going to see her boyfriend's bad, what what we're doing next week." he told me, pissing me off even more.

"yeah, she likes hanging out with you, that's not a fucking crime." i argued.

"she's not my wife."

"she's a good person who does nice things for you."

"what are you, her fucking lawyer?" he snapped.

"no, lip, i'm her best friend and you're acting like a douchebag." i snapped back, letting the words just come out of my mouth. "you want out? end it. you don't stop treating her like fucking garbage. but just because fucking karen wiped her ass with you, doesn't give you the right to shit on mandy."

then i left.


i drove the truck with mickey and his cousines next to the house. mickey jumped out and opened the door to get guns out of a bag.

"hey, stop, no fucking guns, there's a drunk old lady in there." i told them. mick turned around and looked at his two cousins. then he turned back to me and put the guns back.

"fuck." he muttered and then they walked up to the house.

i lighted me up a cigarette when mickey climbed back into the car. before i could say something he pressed his lips onto mine and i put my hands on his cheeks and kissed him back.

then he let go of me and ran back to the house. i watched him until he was in, smiling like a dumbass. that just made me really happy.


one of mickey's cousins and i were putting an expensive looking table into the truck when we heard a loud crash from inside the house. i froze.

in the next second i heard a gun shot and mickey and his other cousin running out. that was when i heard another shot and mickey jumping into the air. "no fucking way!" he yelled and kept running towards the truck.

"fuck!" i got up and jumped onto the drivers seat. mickey and his cousin iggy jumped in and iggy closed the door.

"fucking drive! drive, drive, drive!" mick yelled at me, groaning in pain.

"fuck, you got fucking shot, mickey!" i snapped, trying to start the engine.

"yes, i fucking know i got shot!"

the truck started and i drove it away. "you got shot in the ass!" i laughed.

"fuck you, violet!"

while i drove i took out my phone to call ned. he was a doctor.

violet gallagher // shamelessWhere stories live. Discover now