22- obsessed with dead

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i was working at the kash and grabs behind the counter watching mickey reading a magazine. i got to mange to get him the security job here.

"violet, bring me a cheese sandwich. cheddar with hot mustard." i heard lindas voice through the intercom.

i rolled my eyes. "you got it."

"and tell mickey if a packet of gum goes missing he's gone. and tell your buddies i'm keeping tabs on how many cases they're moving so don't get cute, i know my inventory." she went on. god she was so overdramatic.

"we're taking six cases of beer linda" lip said as he came in the back.

that was when two little boys came in. "you two can put that back or i can crack your skulls on the pavement." mickey said turning to them. they let go of the candy they tried to steal and ran out. mickey was good at doing his job.

"violet, you and your sargent slaughter here help me with the beer?" lip asked coming over.

"yup." looks like lindas sandwich had to wait.

"hey lip why don't ya add blow to your offers. uppers, downers, special K?" mickey suggested while we lifted the cases into lip and kevs truck.

"you know thanks mick but we're kinda keeping it oldschool. beer, joints, cigarettes, no one under 14." lip said.

"givin' up a huge market."

"helps keeing my conscience clean" kev said coming out of the truck.

we finished loading up the truck and kev and lip got back in.

"violet, tell linda to order more of these rocket pops they're moving well." lip said before shutting the door.

"sure. see ya." i said, going back into the front with mickey. i sat down behind the counter again.

"hello my fourth born." frank came into the store. fuck no not him. he put a load of shit on the counter and i rang them up, rolling my eyes.

"$19.06" i said.

"just put it on dottie coronis' account."

"we don't have accounts frank, forgot?"

he shook his head. i swear i saw a bug coming out of his hair. what the actual fuck.

"she's in trouble, she's gonna die next week, when that happens take it out of her estate." he packed his shit into a bag and wanted to leave but mickey got in his way.

"hey frank, why don't you check your pockets again maybe you overlooked something." he said. i smiled. i love how he stand's up for the asshole called 'my father'.

"you work here now?"

"trial basis."

frank raised his eyebrows. then he pulled out a 20 dollar bill out of his pocket, smashing it on the counter. "that sould cover it violet."

then he went out.


"dead pople poop themselfes."

"what the fuck?" i groaned.

"dead people poop themselfes."

"for fucks sake what the fuck debbie?" i opened my eyes and saw debbie leaning over me.

"harry pooped himself after he died."

"who the fuck is harry?"

"aunt gingers boyfriends."

"jesus christ debbie, go back to sleep." i muttered, turning to the wall.

"he was my first dead person vi. there are 200 eupheisms for death. kicked the bucket, met his marker, ate dirt, six feet under, pushing daisies, bit the dust-"

violet gallagher // shamelessWhere stories live. Discover now