13- pizza bagels

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later that night, i was laying in my bed, smoking a cigarette. everyone, apart from ian, was downstairs. he sat on the top of the bunk bed, looking at me.

"violet?" he asked.

"yeah?" i said, taking another drag of my cigarette.

"you still didn't tell me how you got the gun back"

"jesus ian. why can't you just let go? i told you i have my ways. and it doesn't matter how i did!" i yelled.

he tilted his head. "come on vi, just tell me."

"fucks sake" i said, rolling my eyes. "but if i tell you, you need to promise not to judge me and not tell anyone till the day you die. if you do, i'll fucking kill you. i'm serious"

"uh okay. what is it?" he agreed. i sat up.

"so uh, well..." i made a short break. " i fucked mickey."

ian's jaw dropped. "you fucked mickey milkovich?!" he repeated.

"ian, shut the fuck up! i told you not to judge me!"

"you fucked mickey milkovich?" lip asked, coming in.

"jesus christ" i muttered, putting my head in my hands.

lip sat down next to me. "okay, violet explain"

"so he stole kash's gun. i wanted to get it back, so i went to the milkovich house. then i went into mickey room and then... fuck then it just happend" i tried to explain.

"god damn, violet. you hooked up with a milkovich!" lip said.

"sooo you wanted to get the gun but got screwed instead?" ian said laughing.

"shtu up ian!" i giggled. "but i got the gun in the end" i said to defend myself.

"you better stay away from him vi" he said laughing. "or i'll kill him"

"okay okay! i won't!" i giggled. god i was so stupid to hook up with him.


i'm not gonna lie but my promise didn't last long. i was working at the kash and grabs, handing an old lady her change, when the door swung open. "got any slim jim's in this shithole?" he asked, as the lady left the store.

i smirked at him. "yeah, in the back" i said and he followed me in the back.

the second we got in the backroom, he slammed me against the wall, beginning to kiss me. his kisses went down to my neck. then he opened his pants, then helping me to get mine off as well. then it happened again.


the next afternoon i was hanging out with mandy at her's. she was supposted to help me with my homework but i seriously wasn't interested.

"no, you're supposted to use 'me' because it's the object if the preposition" she tried to explain.

"ugh, jesus mandy can we just watch a fucking movie? i'm sick of this homework shit!" i begged her, but i shut up in the second i saw mickey coming in.

"douchebags!" he said.

"assface" mandy retorted. i watched mickey going into his room.

"uh, mandy i'm gonna use the bathroom" i said, getting up. i was about to walk into mickey's room, when i heard mandy calling for me.

"hey!" she snapped. i froze. fuck fuck fuck.

"do you want pizza bagels?" she asked. oh thank god. "sure!" i answerd.

then i quickley went into mickey's room. he smirked as he saw me coming in. "hey vi, back for more darling?"

"shut the fuck up mickey" i said, pushing him onto the bed and climbing on top of him. then we started kissing and he pulled off his shirt...


i fixed my hair, before i got back into the living room and sitting down next to mandy. she was playing a video game. "took long enough" she said.

"yeah, your dad was in there forever" i replied, grabbing a pizza bagel. i grabbed a controler and started playing with mandy.

"shove over faggots" mickey came in. he sat down on the couch next to me. he was just inches away from me. fucks sake, i got these butterflies again. what the fuck was wrong with me?

violet gallagher // shamelessWhere stories live. Discover now