10- fuck you milkovich

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"the fuck did you just say?" i looked up from my phone. julia anders was standing infront of me.

"i said that you should move you fat gallagher ass out of my way bitch" she repeaded. i stood up.

"and what you gonna do if i don't move?"

"i'll fucking hit you" she said. i started laughing. who the fuck does she thinks she is? in that second her fist hit my face.

"holy fuck!" i laughed. "you think that hurt? i'm used to this shit so try a little harder, fucker." i punched her on her nose. she fell backwards and land on the floor.

"OW" she yelled. i went down to her.

"fuck you violet" she said. so i hit her again. and again. and over and over again. i hit her like 6 times when someone grabbed my armes and pulled me back.

"get off of me!" i yelled.

"jesus violet, your about to kill her!" it was lip. i wanted to get out of his grip, but it didn't work. then i looked around and many students were standing in a circle around us.

"fuck lip. let me go" and he let me go. i made my way through the students, who were all looking at me. julia was still laying on the floor, bleeding everywhere. but i don't give a fuck honestly.

i went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. my face was also bloody. at the top of my right cheek was the blood running down, my lip was bleeding a bit and so did my nose. shit.


back at home that day i sat on the couch and fiona gave me a lecture of violence-is-not-the-solution-for-your-problems.

"violet, i already have carl in serious shit in school. this is like your thousandth fight in school. you can't keep going like this, so please violet, just control it, okay?" she said at the end.

"okay okay" i mumbled. she came down to me.

"but seriously violet, please get you shit together. stay outta trouble in school and with cops" she said.

"yeah okay. i'll control myself and i won't get into trouble" i repeaded. fiona nodded her head. "good" she said. then she smiled and ruffed my hair. "thanks. also your 14 violet, alsmost 15. we don't need you in juvie at this age" i smiled too. "got it" i said.

"well if you ask me, your a total dickhead" lip said, while he came inside the living room.

"fuck off" i giggled. then carl also came in. "did you break any of her bones?" he asked. what kind of question is that?

"definitely the nose" i answered.

"cool" he smiled. he was weird, but cute.


later that day, in the evening, i was working at kash and grabs. actually ian should also be here but he was late. i walked out from the back, when i saw mickey at the counter. kash was sitting behind it.

"heads up man, your out of barbecue pringles" he told kash. then he left the store. i came over as fast as i could.

"did he fuckin pay for that?" i asked. kash looked at the ground and said nothing. "jesus christ you have to stand up for him. he can't just keep robbing this store and not even doing anything for it, kash!" i shook my head and followed mickey outside. kash was right behind me.

"yo! ass fuck! get your ass back here and pay for that shit!" i yelled. "have some civid pride asshole!"

he turned around and came back to me. "civid pride? seriously?" he smirked at me. his face was just inches away from mine.

"you can't keep stealing from us mickey" i said.

"or what vi?"

"i'll fucking come for you. stop it milkovich"

"cute little gallagher" he smirked. then he turned around and walked across the street.

"asshole!" i shouted at him. he turned around and threw the onion dip at us but we ducked just in time and it landed on the glas door. it spatted everywhere.

that was when ian showed up.
"you decided to came too?" i asked ironic and rolled my eyes.
he just ignored me. "what happend?" ian asked.

"milkovich. he robbed us again. we gotta replace the chips that he stole before linda notices" kash explained.

"jesus kash you have to stand up for him" ian said. i giggled.


as we were about to replace the chips and clean up the door we froze. linda was sitting at the counter. fuck.

"where the hell were you guys?!" she asked angrily. no one said anything. she walked over to us and took a look at the bag of chips i was holding. "what are you going-" then she realized. "the milkovich boy again?"

slowly he nodded his head.

"that's it, we're closed!" she snapped, walking to the door locking it. "follow me." she said. we were hesitating but followed her anyways. we went outside into the back alley. linda set up a cut out and pulled out a gun. then she shooted. a few times onto the cardboard man.

"holy shit" i said. was linda kind of a badass?

"where did you learn that?" kash asked surprisingly.

"lived a lot years before i met you" she explained. then it was kash's turn. he was hella bad. he only shot twice and missed both times. i scoffed at him.

"hand it here" ian said, taking the gun from kash's hand. " left shoulder, right shoulder, left leg, right leg, stomach, neck, face, heart." he said, while shooting. he didn't miss a single time. i smiled at him.

"give me that shit" i said and took the gun. i pointed at the head 3 times, hitting each time. then i pointed at the dick, 3 times, didn't miss a single one.
kash and linda looked shocked at what the both of us could do.

"ian was in ROTC" i said. he put an arm around me and smiled. "taught her how to shoot" he added.

violet gallagher // shamelessWhere stories live. Discover now