45- i fell in love

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"there was an old lady who lived in a shoe-" lip sang as the three of us walked to get aunt gingers fake will notarised, which fiona needed to get custody of us. 

"she's 22." ian sighted. 

"so many kids, she didn't know what to do!" lip continued. 

"she's been doing the job for years." i said.

"you two cool with it?" lip asked.

"whatever it takes, you?" i asked back. ian shrugged. "as long as i don't have to call her mom." i giggled. 

"guess who?" i heard a voice behind us. i turned around to see mandy, grabbing lips dick. ew. 

"jimmy's dad?" lip joked. 

"shut up!" i laughed, punching his shoulder when mickey popped up in my mind. my mood went down in seconds. "hey mandy, you seen mickey around? he's been missing. he owns me 50 bucks." i lied. 

"he'll be on his feet soon." she said. 

"what happend?" ian asked. 

"dad pistol-whipped him." 


"since when does anyone need a reason to pistol-whip mickey?" she smiled and lip and ian giggled. but i didn't. i felt that fucking lump growing in my throat again, fighting my tears. 


after we got ginger's will notarised, mandy, ian, lip and i went to visit carl and liam who were staying with these rich gays. he hated it here but to be honest i'd love staying in this penthouse. we also got him the stuff he requested. was good seeing the little guys again. 


after thinking a lot about him, i decided to go and look for mickey. i knew where i will find him. that abandoned builing. 

i went up onto a roof when i heard gunshots from another roof. i turned around and saw someone shooting something. without actually seeing the face, i knew it was him. 

so i followed the gun shot sounds, and see, i was right. mickey was there, shooting a doll. his face was even worse than mine. he had bruises EVERYWHERE. when he saw me walking up to him, he just kept shooting. 

"so uh, thanks to me you've been pistol-whipped and shot in the ass." i tried to joke. another gunshot. i crossed my arms in front of my chest. "just wanted to make sure you're okay." i mumbled. i didn't wanna come off as a pussy. 

he ignored me and shot again. i sat down on one of the window sills, with my arms still crossed. 

"hey, mick, listen, i can't stop thinking about what happened..." i tried but he just kept ignoring me. i don't know if it made me mad or upset or sad but my blood began to boil. "could you at least fucking look at me?!" i shouted in anger. "you act like it's my fucking fault your dad caught us or beat the hell out of  you. he did that to me too!" i yelled. he said nothing but shot the goddamn doll again. 

"fine!" i stood up shaking my head. fucking mickey. "go and fuck yourself, milkovich." 

i acted like i didn't care but while i walked down the stairs of the building, tears roll down my face. 

this sounds so fucking stupid but i think i really fell in love with him. 


after leaving mickey there, i whipped my tears off and went to meet lip, ian, fiona, veronica and jimmy. we needed a fake dead aunt ginger, so we were at the morgue. 

"i can't belive i'm doing this!" v said panicking. 

"you take care of the will?" fiona turned to my brothers and me. 

"signed and notarised." lip confirmed as v knocked at the back door of the morgue. "lanny!" she called. 

the door opened and a big bald man was standing in front of us. "which one of you is looking for an old white woman?" he asked. fiona raised her hand and ian and i pointed at her.

lanny let us in and we walked through a hall, full of body drawers. i mean i had no problems talking about death and so on but this was kind of too much. i was walking between lip and ian, so i pulled them a bit closer. 

"you okay, vi?" ian asked. 

"yeah, just this place..." i said. "it's creppy. don't like it." 

that was when lanny stopped and pulled out one of the drawers. "out of rigor mortis, starting to decompose. lucky for you, to be cremated." 

"what do you want for her?" fi asked. 

"could use a pick-me-up. night shift's killing me." 

"what's your poison?" i asked. 

"i'm not picky." he said.


as soon as we were back home, we carried the body upstairs. it was still in one of these white zip things. we dragged the body into fiona's room onto the floor and fiona pulled the zipper down. jesus! we all gagged from the deadly revolting smell that came from the body. 

"jeez it fucking reeks!" i snapped as fiona handed me a banada, which i used to block the smell out. 

"get the legs!" ian ordered. 

"need the biohazard masks they use when ebola breaks out." v said.

"guess this is the best we've got." i cried. 

"now, get her legs, lip, vi, come on." ian said again. 

"we really gonna do this?" i asked. 

"i'm not taking any chances. okay, let's go." fiona piped in. i took her left leg and lip the right. we carried the naked body onto the bed. 

"oh boy." i said as lip put a blanket over her. no way i'm ever gonna sleep in that bed sheets again. 

"okay... who wants to do the honors?" he asked, pulling out garden shears. fiona shook her head. "look, the real ginger lost a toe. somebody's gotta snip it. v, you're a nurse." lip tried.

"not a chance!" he snapped. 

"alright. fuck." ian sighted and took the shears from lip. he places them at the missing toe of fake ginger. 

"wait, won't it bleed?"i asked, kind of panicking.

"no, the heart's stopped pumping." v explained. 

"okay..." ian said, closing his eyes. i took a step back and we all stopped breathing for a second. "fuck, no. no, no, no." ian let the shears down.

that was when i remembered mickey. and how angry i was at him for making fall in love with that motherfucker. "jesus christ, fuck it." i let the anger take control over me. i snatched the shears from ian. 

"you sure you wanna do this, vi?" fiona asked. 

"well you wanna do it?" i asked back and she fell silent. "glue it shut when i'm done." i demanded, holding the shears over her toe. ian and lip looked like they were gonna throw up. 

i look a deep breath and snip

"holy shit" i gasped after the toe fell on the floor. fiona let out a little scream, lip and ian making noises in disgust and v just staring at the toe on the floor. 


violet gallagher // shamelessWhere stories live. Discover now