"What are you doing here?"

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TW: Sexual references.
Charlie's POV

"Chase, Isaac come here!" I bellow from downstairs.

I hear them clamber out of Chases room. I hear them climb down the stairs thudding and laughing the whole way down.

"Yes?" Chase asks.

"Do you guys wanna go to the movies?" I ask.

"Sure let's do it." Chase says enthusiastically.

"It'll be like a double date." Isaac says.

Chase nudges him in the ribs and Isaac laughs.

They clamber upstairs again and I see Nick come down the stairs.

"Hey hunny." He says kissing my cheek.

"Hi." I smile looking at him.

"What we're you planning with the two love birds up there?" Nick asks.

"WE CAN HEAR YOU." Chase screams.

Nick laughs and shakes his head. "SORRY." He says.

"BETTER BE!" Chase screams.

"He's like me and Tori." I laugh.

"That's an explosion waiting to happen." Nick grins.

"We'll back in track, I wanted to go to the movies with them, so I am about to book these tickets and then we'll go and I'm putting them on the other side I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Nick says. "Just better not hear clapping."

"NICK!" I say elbowing him in the ribs.

Nick laughs and I do end up laughing with him after a few seconds.

"Ok I'm gonna go tell them I'll be back." Nick says placing a kiss on my lips.

"Ok." I say reciprocating in the kiss.

After a second it isn't a quick kiss it starts to turn into a passionate kiss.

My whole life pours into this kiss and nothing seems to take my mind off it. I miss these kisses I really do, with everything that's been going on it's hard for us to show affection lately.

"Hey take it up to your room." A voice calls.

Our lips disconnect and our heads turn to where the voice came from.

"You guys were going to break us some news?"

"Yeahhh." Nick says rubbing the back of his head.

"What was it?" Isaac asks.

"We're going to the movies to see the new little mermaid BUT." I say. "Keep yourselves PG."

"Charlieee." Chases says. "That's disgusting."

"I don't care only kissing but not kissing where you need the same seat." Nick says.

"Yeah." I say agreeing with Nick.

"Fine." They whine.

We all agree to go get ready and go see the new movie.

"Nick should I wear this?" I ask.

"Yeah it looks nice." Nick says eyeing me and the shirt down.

"Eyes up here buddy." I say.

Nick shakes out of his daydream and continues getting ready. Nick wears some nice blue pants and a white shirt which outlines his abs which in my opinion is hot.

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