Starting to piece the puzzle back together

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Nicks POV

"Char?" I whisper.

"Yes Nick?" Charlie replies softly.

"Are you okay, after last night?" I ask.

"Yeah" Charlie says obviously lying.

"I know when your lying" I say.

"Ok fine." He says pausing. "I'm fine about everything but I'm just worrying about why you and Tori were shouting last night"

"Well" I say pausing. I don't know if Charlie is ready to know what his mother said last night. It was horrible for her to wish that upon him to even say he doesn't deserve treatment because he's quote on quote still mentally unstable, which he never even was.

"Your mother said something she definitely shouldn't of" I say.

"What'd she say" Charlie growls.

"Well she" I start.

"What did she say" Charlie says getting a little angrier by the second.

There's a knock on the door.

"Come in" Charlie says.

Chase walks in clutching his wrist, his face wet from tears.

"I'm sorry I don't know what happened I just"

"Hey it's okay" Charlie assures Chase. "Get the bandages now, we'll continue this later".

I get up and head for the kitchen. I can hear Chase talking to Charlie but I don't know what he's saying,
I know chase can take things to heart sometimes, but I don't think he's ever cut before. I rustle through the bandages before I find a size that seems sort of fit for Chases wrist or were ever he cut also. I walk upstairs and can hear crying and talking almost like their begging. I knock on the door.

"Come in" Chase sobs.

I open them door and when I do Chases head jerks towards me.

"Hey are you alright?" I say concerned.

"Yeah we're fine I'll meet you down in the living room soon okay?" Charlie says giving me the look telling me he will tell me soon.

"Ok see you soon do you guys want me to make breakfast" I say hesitantly.

"No I think we'll be okay" Charlie smiles.

"Ok I'll be downstairs if you need me bye" I say.

I walk downstairs towards the living room and I just think about why he would cut. Like I don't really remember him telling me about anything, but considering he let Charlie talk to him Charlie knows something.

Charlie's POV

"I'm sorry Charlie I didn't" Chase chokes.

"Hey, hey it's okay don't worry I think I know something about what your going through" I say.

"It's just I don't I didn't mean to I didn't mean to, I didn't I swear" Chase says hysterically.

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