Fallen Angel.

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TW: mentions of SH
Charlies POV

I can't believe that I just relapsed. I had been going well for so long and now I've just gone and screwed this whole journey up. I am the worst person on this planet. I said to Nick I wouldn't relapse or self Harm at all but I did I self harmed. I lied to Nick.

"Char do you want anything to eat?" He asks me.

"No thanks." I lie.

"Ok but I'm gonna get you glass of water just incase." Nick says.

"Ok." I smile.

Why'd I just lie! I am starving right now and the best for myself I just did was lie to Nick again. I look at my pruned hands and a feeling of disgust is poured over me. I feel so tired right now but I know I need to at least make sure Nick isn't going to worry too much.

I try my hardest to stay awake but it isn't working, my eyes flutter closed and I can feel myself falling into a deep sleep.

Nicks POV

Poor Char. Every time he stands tall and finally shows his healing wings, it gets cut, and he has to regrow then back again. I know I try to help but at this point I feel like I'm doing nothing.

I grab Charlie his glass of water but when I walk up the stairs and enter our bedroom, Charlie is fast asleep. I lay the water onto his bedside table. I then start to leave the room when I hear a whispery voice call from behind me.

"Please stay."

I turn around to see Charlie laying in bed.

"Ok, I'll stay." I say.

I turn around and walk towards our bed, I climb into our bed and lay next to Charlie. His hand gravitates towards mine and I feel his hand grasp mine. My heart flutters at this but not for long as my mind hones back onto Charlie.

"Nick?" Char whispers.

"Yeah?" I say turning to face Char.

"I'm sorry." Char says.

"What did I say about the s word." I tease.

"Say it?" Charlie says.

He try's to shrug but he winces at the movement of his wrist.

"Hey try not to move to much." I say.

"S-." Charlie starts.

"Don't say the S word!" I say.

"Fine, but I am trying not to but it's kinda hard." Charlie says.

We continue conversation but I can sense that Charlie wants rest.

"Well I'm tired so I'm gonna have a nap do you want me to sleep on the couch?" I ask.

"No!" Charlie begs. "Stay with me."

"I will." I say. "Always."

"Ok cringe master let's go to sleep." Charlie laughs.

"Fine." I say.

I continue to fall asleep with Charlie, although I can actually hear Charlie's breath scattering. This worries me a little but I know that it will all be okay because Char is strong but I am booking a therapist appointment with Dr. Geoffrey for tomorrow and next week just to make sure. I'll run this by Charlie but it's happening either way.

Charlie falls asleep and I gingerly get out of bed and call Tori.

"Hey, how's Charlie is he okay?" Tori says.

"Yeah he's doing good I guess how's Chase and Isaac."

"Chase is a complete mess and Isaac is calming him down but I think he's just scared for Charlie." Tori whispers.

"Ok keep me posted and I'll keep you posted." I say.

"Ok see you soon." She says.

"You too."

I hand up the phone when Charlie screams. "NICK!!!!!!"

I rush into our bedroom and Charlie's in a manic state, he's flailing around and he looks absolutely horrified.

"Char it's ok." I say. "Char listen to me."

I continue to repeat this until finally Charlie starts to calm down. I apologise for leaving him and get back into bed with him.

We both fall asleep now, I just hope Chase and Isaac are okay.

Chase POV


"Chase you okay?" Isaac asks snapping out my in mind rant. "Your breathing really heavy."

"Yeah fine." I scoff.

"Chase you aren't fine talk to me." Isaac says scooting closer to me.

"I'm just pissed Nick straight denied me going to see Charlie." I say tears forming in my eyes. "He's my brother and I want to make sure he's okay."

Tears form in my eyes and it starts to pour out of my eyes like a faucet, but the handles rusted.

I feel like shit and all I feel like doing right now is hugging Isaac. I want to make sure Charlie's okay but feel down I know he wouldn't want me to see him in that state and even though I saw a glimpse that's all I need to know that Nick always has had Charlie's back and will make sure he's okay. Matter of fact their probably sleeping right now.

Tori walks past the room and see I'm upset she gives me an empathetic look before she heads out of the room because he phone is ringing.

She says some inaudible things but the most I can make out is. "Okay see you soon."

So hopefully Charlie is okay but this is going to be hard for him to get over and I even know that as a teenager who theoretically in every adults mind knows and stresses about nothing.

"Hey you okay Chase?" Micheal says as he walks into the room.

"Yeah just worried for Charlie." I say. "I hope he's okay."

"I'm sure he is, Nicks go this." He says.

But he didn't have it enough to let me go see Charlie and make sure he's okay but because he's older he has it all on the ball.

Authors Note:
Hey everyone! I hope you guys have had an amazing few days since I last posted and are feeling okay and happy. I am thinking of putting Nick in Charlie in more of a spotlight since this is their Fan Fic as I have started to trail off into Isaac and Chase but I will still have them and we still have to figure out what happens with Isaac's parents but I will make it a little more focused on them and I'm thinking of something for Chase which might be a little sad but good at the same time. Bye everyone hope you all have an amazing few days till I next post. Bye!!

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