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Chase's POV

My alarm goes off, I wake up from my sleep and realise it's Monday. Ugh how I hate Monday's, at least I'll have Isaac and Xavier. Xavier doesn't know about Isaac and I yet but still, he doesn't seem homophobic and actually seems supportive of gays.

I slip my uniform on and trudge downstairs. Charlie is in the kitchen doing something and Nick is ready to go.

"Ready?" Nick asks.

"Mhm." I say.

"Ok let's go, bye Char" Nick says placing a kiss on Charlie's cheek.

"Bye love you, bye Chase have a good day" Charlie says.

"You too" I say forcing a smile.

We climb into the car and Nick starts to drive.

"You alright?" He asks empathetically.

"Yea I'm fine" I lie.

"Chase I know your not fine but just tell me you've told someone" Nick pleads.

"I have told someone Nick don't worry" I say.

"Ok good"

I've always respected Nick for that, he never pushes to hard to know if something wrong he just asks one question and the leaves the conversation at that unless you continue it.

"Here we are" Nick says.

I look past him, the husk of a school looms infront of my eyes. Ugh this isn't going to be fun.

"Bye Nick I'll see you this afternoon"

"Bye Chase have a good day" Nick says.

"You too" I reply, shutting the door.

As I walk into the school I feel eyes piercing my skin.
My phone buzzes.

Isaac: sorry I'm not coming to school today I'm still pretty sick.

Chase: it's fine just take your time to feel better

Isaac: thx <3 I'll call you tonight

Chase: can't wait I'll talk to you then bye

Isaac: bye

I put my phone into my pocket and push through people to get to the library, the only place that's not infested with people. I enter the library and see that the kids that bullied me are sitting in the corner, they catch my eye and start to whisper. I exit the library and usher away through the masses of people in the hallways.

The bell rings for form.

I head to the room I'm in for form and sit down at my desk, it's deserted and quiet because I'm not engaging in conversation, it's probably buzzing with chat hit I just can't do anything. Form ends and I head to math, then English.

For both of these subjects I have bucketloads of homework due tomorrow and I still have three more subjects. First break is slow, without Isaac it's just... boring he's not there to cheer me up or hold my hand it's just barren. The bell for the end of first break goes and I head to Art, then history again I have so much homework that has to be done by Friday and it's Wednesday.

Lunch is the same as recess and Xavier isn't here today so I have literally no one and I'm bored out of my mind except a boy about my age comes and sits next to me.

"You look lonely" he says.

"All my friends aren't hear so I'm not suprised" I reply.

"Rude" he scoffs and walks away.

For my last class I have science which luckily I get no homework for but I still have a heap of homework.

I walk out the school gates and to where Nick normally picks me up from. His car comes down the road and to my side. I open the door and climb in.

"How as your day?" Nick asks.

"Good" I say.

"Isaac wasn't waiting with you are you guys okay?" Nick asks concerned.

"Yeah he's sick" I say.

"Oh ok let's go home Charlie should be home soon he as in the office today" Nick says trying to start conversation.

My mind is blank and when we get home all I do is try and finish my homework, I finish all my homework except history by the time we have dinner and finish it by around Ten O'clock at night. I get into bed and go to bed fast, not even saying goodnight to Nick or Charlie, I really want to but I'm to tired for that right now.

Nicks POV

Chases been acting really off and he was in his bedroom the whole afternoon and only just went to bed. When I picked him from school he seemed annoyed and stressed which isn't two good mixtures for Chase. I asked him is everything is okay and he said yes but I don't really believe what he's saying is true.

I know I should be trusting Chase and I probably should be but this guy feeling tells me that somethings up and I know it isn't Isaac cause he's sick so it might be school, I hope it's not bullies but they are still in the equation. I hope Chase is doing alright, I know he probably isn't but I can only hope and try to help, I've done so much marking for my Year Four Students and I'm finishing now.

The past few days have been really tough because they've been implementing new rules for the students like removing the canteen and some kids don't have food so I have been packing a little more food to give to them.

Everyone's off and it's gonna tear us apart soon unless we consult in eachother and join together as a family.

Charlie's POV

I don't know what's going on but everyone off, Nicks stressed and packing more food for work, Chase had locked himself in his room all afternoon and hasn't come out and has been a little snappy. It's probably homework but no one's talking to me and I can't help them if they don't.

My works been pretty productive these last few weeks and I've really been improving my mental health for the better.

Nicks asleep right next to me and is sorta jumpy which is a little unsettling considering he's stressed. I can't bear to see the two people I love the most suffer and not tell me at all.

I'll consult them tomorrow morning and hopefully I can resolve this or we're going to have to deal with it or be miserable which I'm hoping option one works and they consult me about how their feeling.

Authors note:
Hi everyone! I hope you guys have been doing well and eating and drinking enough. I am going to have to sorta slow down how much I update because of how much stuff I have going on and I may not update a lot but I still will try my hardest to update this as much as I can. I hope you guys have an amazing week! Bye everyone!!

Converse x Vans Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora