A new start.. together.

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Time skip: Two months in the future
Charlie's POV

"Chase!" I belt from the lounge room.

"Yeah" he responds.

I hear a shuffle in his room and I hear the stairs creek, when I see Chase he's all done up and in his favourite clothes, a nice blue tank top and light blue jeans, the jeans are a tiny bit baggy but he still looks amazing. His black hair is in its usual curls and he seems pretty eager.

"We're are you going?"

"On a date... with Isaac!" He says with excitement.

"Oh my god that's so amazing we're are you going?"

"The park and then we're going to sushi and then he asked if we could come back here if that's alright?"

"That's absolutely fine" I say.

Since I've met Isaac I've seen many parts of him, devastated parts, supporting parts, happy, mad, loving and even bad parts but from what I know he's the right guy for my brother. From what Chase had told me is that they haven't fully come out to the school yet but are planning to in year eleven.

His parents have also been really cool with his coming out! Before Isaac came out to his parents he would come to our house many night and cry in chases shoulders. They both are struggling but their doing it together which is helping them stop struggling.

"Ok gotta go his mums here" Chase chimes happily.

"Ok have fun we'll see you two soon" I reply as he walks out the door.

When the door shuts I hear my work phone ring. Ugh probably somethings gone wrong and I have to fix it. I pick myself off the couch and start to head towards my work desk. I pick up the phone and I am engulfed in a thousand questions. I answer them and do some work they need me to do and then go back to the couch. I look at my phone... Six O'clock. Nick should be home.

I pick up my phone and message Nick.

Charlie: hey you coming home yet?

Nick: yeah soon we had a kid miss the bus so I had to help him out and stuff

Charlie: alr see you soon😊

Nick: you too❤️

I put my phone down and I feel my eyes start to weigh more bit by bit... until finally I fall asleep.

"Charlie?" A voice whispers.

"Mmm" I groan.

"It's time to wake up hunny" the voice calls.

I groan, I don't even know if this is Nick or a dream.

"Hunny we have to have some dinner you haven't eaten all day"

My eyes peer open and I see Nick. His face enlightens when he sees me wake up.

"Hey baby, it's time to wake up."

"That cringe, but I'm not really hungry" I say.

I'm lying to Nick face right now, I'm starving but I can't eat. For the last few days I've been really struggling to eat again but I've been ignoring it because I don't want Chase to see me this way.

"Are you are?" Nick asks.

I know he knows I'm lying but he isn't going to push me and I'm grateful for it.

"Yeah I'm sure" I say.

"Hey can you..." I start.

"Anything for you" Nick says.

"Ok where the not so cringe Nick Nelson I miss him" I tease.

"I could be way cringier don't you worry" Nick says.

"I'll stay with this" I say.

"Can you get me some water?" I ask.

"Sure I'll be back."

When Nick comes back he seems off. Before he was happier but now he seems... in a state of grief?

"Hey Nick?" I inquire.

"Mhm" he mumbles.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine why?"

"Just checking" I say.

I can tell he's worried or remembering a bad time hopefully he tells me but still I do love Nick but sometimes it's really hard for him to open up to me.

My phone buzzes. I answer the phone.

"Hey" Chase sobs.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"Hey Charlie ummm we're walking to your guys' house now when we we're out something happened we'll tell you when we get there but it's bad, bandaged bad. Come on hunny just a little longer" I hear Isaac say.

Low sobs come from my speakers, my heart aches for every tiny sob that is let out of Chases mouth.

"Ok we'll see you soon" Isaac says.

"Ok see you soon" I say.

The call ends. I can't move at all. Im star struck. I thought Chase was getting better but something happens and it all goes down the drain.

BANDAGES! He needs bandages! Don't say he did it. Don't say.

Tears well in my eyes and overflow. Im overwhelmed with guilt and sorrow.

"Char it's okay" Nick assures rubbing my back.

"It's not Chase is hurt" I sob.

"Hey, you've got to be strong for him and help him you can't do that if you do this come on let's get the stuff ready" Nick says, his tone is serious but a slither of empathy slithers through every word.

When we get all of the supplies ready, Isaac knocks on the door. Chase walks in, his face is tear stranded and his hands are covered in blood. The blood of his own. His distraught face tells me he did do this.

"Oh Chase" Nick says pulling him into a hug, Nick is wearing a nice white shirt and it now has blood over it.

"Oh I'm so sorry Nick!" Chase says looking at the blood left on Nicks shirt.

"It's okay Chase don't worry I can wash it"

"But you can't wear it now" Chase says, when he entered the house he was only weeping but now again he's sobbing.

"Hey hunny it's okay, don't worry just come sit down" Isaac says grasping his hand.

"Ok" Chase sobs.

He sits down and I quickly glance down at his scars, I know what the context is depending on the angle and depth. His scars are slanted and not deep, he did it on a rush so somethings ticked him off.

I glance at Nick and give him a look to say "get out and bring Isaac with you". Considering I do this look a lot he knows and gives Isaac the nod.

"I'll be right back hunny just hang tight" Isaac says kissing his forehead.

They leave the room and it's just me... and my brother... the brother that was happy, extroverted and didn't self harm. My brother, my brother.

Authors note:
Hi everyone I hope you guys are doing well, I've been thinking of taking this story to the next level and making other side stories that I will try and update once a week but most likely they'll be scheduled but I will still be continuing this story and making sure that it is up to date. Hope you guys have an amazing week! Bye everyone have an amazing day!

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