Parting ways

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Isaac's POV

It's been almost twenty four hours since I said I was going to go home. I think I regret it now.

"Chase and Isaac!" Nick calls. "I need to talk to you!"

We run down the stairs and meet Nick in the kitchen. Nick is standing there, he looks almost nervous since we are now both leaving.

"I know you both are leaving". He says. "And that's okay but if anything bad happens your always welcome here, always anytime or the day."

"Thanks Nick." I say.

"Yeah, thanks." Chase says. "Thank you for everything you have taken care of me for so long and now that I'm leaving it's kinda hard."

Chase told me he was struggling with wanting to leave and go back to his own family home even though his entire family is kind except for Mrs Spring.

"Don't worry about it." He says. "You guys should go get your stuff packed and ready."

We both turn on our feet and run up to chases room and start packing our bags for going home. I'll miss living here I guess, I mean it's always a beautiful energy unless something bad happens and that Nick and Charlie are so supportive of me and my decisions no matter what.

"Isaac?" Chase says, I look up to see Chase crying.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

I walk towards Chase and hold his hand. Chase is struggling with going back and I know it's going to be extremely hard on him considering past experiences with his mother. He has some things to look forward to but other than that there's absolutely nothing for him to look forward too considering he won't be with Nick and Charlie.

"It's just going to be hard going back to before." Chase sobs. "It's going to be hard for me, I'm so used to Nick and Charlie being super supportive but at my family home it's not completely like that and I guess I'll have to step a little back into the closet again."

"Hey it's okay, I'll be here with you every step of the way, and Nick even said it would be okay if you needed to come back."

Chase's mood kind of lightens up when I say that but he still seems down, which I can't completely fix. I feel horrible for Chase, I mean he has a bad relationship with his parents and I don't have the worst one and he had to go back. Which, I guess would be easier on Charlie and Nick but they have handled it for months now why not anymore.

But I just have to be there for Chase when he needs and it can all be fine. Hopefully.

My phone buzzes and my heart drops at the noise. I look over to my phone and see a notification.

Mum: I'm outside come outside when your ready or message me when if you aren't, it's fine either way!

Isaac: Ok just give me 10 I'll be there soon

I turn off my phone and look at Chase. He knows that I'm leaving now and I can see the distress in his face.

"Do you have to leave?" He says.

"Yes." I sigh. "I have to mend the relationship with my family somehow."

"Hey." I say my hand falling into Chases own hand. "I'll visit soon at your house if you go."

"I've sorted out with my Mother that I won't come home but will go for dinner some times and visit." He says.

"Okay sounds good." I smile.

I get up and grab my stuff and start to pack to leave. When I go down the stairs with Chase, Nick is standing in the kitchen and I'm pretty sure Charlie's dead asleep.

"Bye Nick." I say my eyes tearing up.

"Bye Isaac." Nick says. "Remember what I told you, if someone has never been in your shoes never let them tell you how to tie your own shoelaces."

This quote Nick uses is actually really cool but to be honest I understand it to a certain degree but I also don't understand Jack shit about it.

I exit the house I had called home for the last two weeks. I see my mothers car outside and I wave goodbye to Chase, I see tears falling from his beautiful face. Although it's not like I'm moving countries I'm only going back to my own home. I wave to Nick and Chase and get into the car.

"Ready to go home?" My mother says as I get into the car.

"Yeah I guess but I'm not letting you disrespect me again and I won't hesitate to leave again if I need to for my own mental health.

"We know Isaac don't worry." She says.

After about ten or twenty so minutes we arrive at my house. For some reason this house looks cold now, dark and somber. Hopefully they haven't tricked me into coming back for them not to actually accept me.

Chases POV

I can't believe Isaac has gone back with those horrible people. Like I get their his parents but does that really matter? We walk back into our house after waving Isaac goodbye.

"It's okay Chase." Nick says rubbing my back.

"No it's not." I sniffle. "He's going back with those people and I know they aren't going to accept him."

"And if they don't." Nick says. "He always has room in our house."

I can't believe he's gone. My muscle memory is telling me to run back up to my room and start talking to Isaac again but he's not here anymore. He's gone. Well not actually gone but he left this house and is going back to a house he dislikes.

I just hope they are kind to him or else Im dragging him back here for his sake because im letting his get hurt because some people are disrespectful and rude.

"Chase let's go watch some TV when Char gets up I'll make dinner." Nick suggests.

We watch a movie which I guess takes my mind of things but everything still is lingering at the back of my head.

Like a shark teasing it's prey.

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