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Nicks POV

Everyone's been struggling and since my amazing brain is as smart as Einstein I've figured that we should have a day out! Todays Saturday and yesterday was Friday but everyone had the pupil free day.

My eyes flutter open and I look next to me and see Charlie. I look at the date. It's Nellies anniversary of passing away. She passed away in year twelve cause of cancer and I was there when she was put down. I now even have a tattoo of her name on my wrist to remember her. I hate tattoos but that one tattoo is fine.

"What's wrong Nick?" Charlie asks looking at me.

"It's Nellies anniversary of passing" I say gloomily.

"Oh Nick" Charlie says hugging me.

"Its fine, I'm fine" I say.

"Well it's a Saturday so what do you want to do?" Charlie asks.

"Well i was thinking of having a day out with everyone." I say.

"Sounds great let's get ready and then we'll leave at some point I'll wake Chase up.

When Charlie leaves I look at my wrist. It reads Nellie Nelson best dog ever.

Tears plaster my eyes and I can't restrain from containing them. My eyes let the tears run and they don't stop. All the memories flood back to when Nellie died and it all just overwhelms me.

Charlie walks back into the room.

"What's wrong Nick?" Charlie asks.

"Just Ellie" I sniffle.

"Aww hunny" Charlie says sympathetically.

He sits next to me and holds my hands. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good" I say rubbing the tears away.

For some reason every time I cry Charlie always find a way to calm me down, it's amazing but right now I just need to let it out.

This time Charlie's tricks don't work, the waterworks start again. How pathetic I am. I cover my face with my hands and try to hide from the world. If I could stop crying I would but no matter what I do all I can think about is nellies soft fur and kind eyes. I miss that. I miss Nellie.

"It's okay Nick" Charlie says trying to console me.

I don't speak, all I do is cry, cry, cry and cry. My sobs drain out everything around me. Charlie's saying something but all I can hear is nellies barks and her little adorable barks she used to do. Everything I miss.

My sobs start to slow down and my breathing starts to steady, I come back to reality and can hear Charlie saying. "It's okay Nick"

"Thanks Char" I say before engulfing him into a hug.

"Do you still wanna go out?" Charlie asks.

"I don't want to but we said yes to Chase so I will"

"I haven't told him yet so we can say we were asking if he wanted to watch a movie or something with him then you can sleep because I know your tired"

"Wow I'm in love with a geek" I laugh.

"Oh be quiet. At least I wasn't a rugby lad" Charlie laughs.

My mood instantly brightens but I'm still not one hundred percent.

We pulls chase out of his room and we all watch a movie together as a family.

We start the movie and about five minutes in I feel the tears coming back.

I go into the bathroom and compose myself before coming back into the living room. I arrive and Charlie gives me a look signifying he knows that I'm not okay.
I sit down and nuzzle myself into Charlie's chest. I fall asleep in Charlie's chest the moving drowning out as I fall deeper into a sleep.

Charlie's POV

I feel really bad for Nick. I know every year is hard for him every since Nellie passed away and I try my best to help him but I just feel like I'm not doing enough for him. I know I'm trying but I feel like I'm not doing it to what Nick needs.

I know Nick wouldn't want me to be thinking this way but we aren't even going out because I haven't done enough for Nick.

Subtle snores come from Nick meaning he's tired. It's good he's getting sleep other than not at all. I know nicks struggling because he had Nellie all his life and I know I have to help him but I now know how hard it is to try to help someone when their struggling. I give Nick so much shit and this is what it feels like but worse. I hate myself.

"Charlie?" Chase whispers.

"Mhm" I whisper back turning my head towards him.

"Do you mind if I just go out for a walk for a bit just to clear my head" Chase asks.

"Yeah sure" I say. "Be quick and be careful"

"I will don't worry" he says as he walks towards the door and starts putting his shoes on.

"Ok be safe call me if anything happens" I call out to him.

I see Chase walk down the driveway and out. I know he's got something on his mind but he has is ways of coping so I'm not pushing it.

Nicks eyes flutter open and he looks at me confused.

"What happened?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"We we're just at the beach with Nellie and then" he says pausing.

"We we're at the beach and with Nellie and it was after school then" he pauses again.

"You don't have to talk about it Nick" I say assuring Nick it's okay.

"No I want to" he says.

"We we're at the beach and when I got hit by a wave I opened my eyes and I was in the vet we're Nellie died, no one was in the room except for me and Nellie." He says tearing up.

"Its okay Nick" I say hugging him softly.

I hold him for about three minutes before my phone starts to ring.


I answer the phone.


"I'm coming now" I say.

I run out of the house. The dim sky lights the sky.

"Run to our house or Isaac's maybe even Tori's depending on we're you are." I advise.

Authors Note:
Hi everyone! I hope you guys liked this chapter but unless I haven't said it... WE HIT 2000 reads! I'm so grateful for everyone who has read this story and is reading this now. I normally don't commit to something like this but you guys have helped me continue this story into something I'm really proud of and I love every single one of you❤️ I hope you guys have an AMAZING week! Remember to drink water and eat enough! Bye everyone!

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