Movies gone wrong

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TW: B*n H**e

Charlies POV

1 week later

"Charlie quick we'll miss our movie!" Nick shouts from downstairs.

"Coming,  just give me 2 minutes!" I reply.

After I finish my sentence I grab my phone and jacket and head downstairs.

"You know it is our house we can yell and scream" Nick says.

"I know, I know still getting used to having our own house" I respond.

"Got everything?" Nick questions.

"Yes" I groan.

"Ok, lets go" Nick says contently.

We get into the car and Nick turns on the radio. As we drive to the cinema a sudden wave of anxiety washes over me. My leg starts to bob up and down as we arrive closer to the cinema. I start to reassure my self that everything will be alright and I'll have a good night with Nick and the rest of the Paris Gang. As we near closer my leg stops bobbing up and down and my wave of anxiety falls away.

"Nick what movie are we watching again?" I inquire.

"Uhhhh, I think its called My fantasy, but its like supposed to be action" Nick replies

"Cool just checking, i completly forgot" I add.

"How you feeling about tonight" he asks.

"A tiny bit nervous, but other than that fine and i could die for some popcorn right now" I reply hastily.

"Ok after I think their coming to our house"Nick says

"Ok, cool yeah that's fine" I reply

As we walk into the cinema I see them standing in line, I wave to them and they wave back. We wait until they leave the line. As they start heading towards us I start to feel a wave of anxiety wash over me again, I start to breathe heavily, Nick suddenly holds my hand and I start to calm down.

"It's alright if you want to leave just tell me, i'll say I feel sick" Nick assures me.

I look at him gratefully and smile after the movie I see Harry from school, we hadn't seen him for atleast three years so it was a big suprise seeing him there. Though I tryed not to care because he was from highschool and I didnt want to affect me even years after HighSchool. Before we leave I pull Nick into a kiss.

"Get a room guys" Tao jokes.

I instantly look at Tao. Nick looks aswell.

"Hey, just saying this is a public place" He says seeming scared

"Tao cut it out" Elle snaps.

As we arrive home I see a figure standing in the distance. Its Ben Hope. Nick starts to walk over and i grab his arm

"I'll go see what he wants don't worry i'll be ok" I assure Nick

As i walk over I see him start to walk quickly towards me

"Hi I didnt know you lived here, how have you been?" Ben asks

"Yeah great without you" I snarl

"Hey im trying to be nice, obviously you blew it with Nick and now your'e lonely, I can help with that" He snaps

I instantly pull my phone out of my pocket and call Nick

"Hi Honey can you come outside to me please" I say

"Ok whats wrong?" Nick asks alarmed

"nothing just be quick" I say

He runs out the front door and starts to walk towards Ben and I

"You may have somehow kept Nick but you still that weirdo from highschool who was bullied and had to go to a metal hospital its pretty pathetic huh" Ben snaps without hesitation

I feel tears swell to my eyes Nick finally gets to us

"Piss off" He snarls

"Fine weirdos" He says before turning around and heading the other way.

All the trauma from highschool floods back tears pour down my face I turn around and start walking towards the house, I wipe away tears as i remember the things that happened in high school. "Its preety pathetic huh" rings in my ears as I start to remember all the bullies at Truham Grammar. As I walk into my house I go straight upstairs, I hear Nick coming close behind me I walk into my bedroom and crumble to the floor in complete tears and sobs.

"Char" Nick says seeming alarmed

"Im alright ill be down soon" I sob

"No you arent." Nick says.

Nick helps me up and puts me on the bed and hold my wet and red face.

"Char its alright we'll be alright, the gang said if you need some space they can come back soon and visit the house they are fine with that" Nick says assuringly

"No its alright" I say inbetween sniffles and sobs

"are you sure?" Nick asks

"Positive" I lie

"Ok, if you start to feel down just tell me ok" Nick says hoping to help

"Yes ok i will" I sob

After everone leaves I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth when i see a razor on the sink.

Sorry I haven't been making more chapters I have been busy but here's one and I'll be working on the third and fourth soon.

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