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Time: same time as last chapter.
Charlie's POV:

"Bye Chase." I call as he leaves the house for school.

"Ok I've gotta go get ready, I'll be back love you." Nick says hastily kissing my cheek and running upstairs.

I check my phone for the time and see it's only seven thirty. That's enough time for me to get ready for the day, my work is lenient when it comes to working at home and because of my mental illnesses they gave me the green light to work at home.

Nick flys down the stairs and I run to get to him before he leaves.

"Bye hunny." He says kissing me.

"Bye baby buns." I say jokingly kissing him back.

"Ok I've got to go I can't be late."

"Ok bye love you." I say as Nick leaves blowing me a kiss.

I close the door and it strikes me that no matter how long I love Nick I'll always get butterfly's when we kiss. We haven't kissed in a while because of everything that's been going on but yeah it's, nice.

My phone starts to buzz constantly and chime from the kitchen, I run to pick it up.

"Charlie spring speaking." I say into the phone.

"Charlie?" A familiar voice calls.


"Hi Harry?" I say sceptically.

"Hi Charlie." Harry says. "I just wanted to apologise for  a few weeks ago when I took chase home without your permission I should've asked you instead of threatening kids and coming to yours uninvited."

"No it's fine I'm sorry I definitely overreacted about you being near Chase I'm sorry that's something I've done wrong not you." I say.

"Thank you Charlie." Harry says with a relief. "Do you remember Ben hope?"

"Yeahh?" I says conspicuously.

"He wanted to meet up with you today he messaged me before maybe go see what he wants."

"Yeah maybe." I  say my heart plummeting to the floor.

"Okay I'll send you the details now." He says.

In a flash Harry has sent me the details and has wished me luck and said goodbye, I say goodbye back and hang up the phone.

Shit. Do I want to meet up with him after everything he's done and what he did a few years back. I thought he was in jail. Oh wait the address is a jail. Yeah. Maybe I should go check it out. It'll be good, learn how far he's fallen.

I get semi ready, turn my navigation man on and start driving towards the destination. When I arrive the place looks decent but it is a prison so I don't really know how to feel.

I walk in and can see Ben. I can only see his withered face through the door but I'm certain that's him.

"Hi I'm here to see Ben Hope." I say to the lady.

"Absolutely, right this way."

She walks me into a room with all the prisoners and visitors that are waiting or talking with friends and family.

"Charlie." Ben says waving me over to him.

"Yes?" I say as I sit down. "I thought I told you to leave me alone and also got many restraining orders against you."

"I know but being in prison over rules them so you can come but I wanted to say this." He says smirking.

Bens POV

I know he only came to see how far down I've come but I've got so many people waiting to kill him right now. My friends have been out on good behaviour and so have I that's why I'm able to do face to face meetings in here.

I look around giving everyone the nod.

Charlie's face tunes skeptical and it dawns on him when he realises what's about to happen.

Charlie's POV

SHIT. He lead me here to bash me. I clamber all my stuff together quickly and make a break for the door. When three muscly men step in front of me I'm pushed back.

"Oi off him." Guards say clearing the mob and pulling me out the door.

"Ben Hope he organised it." I say shakily.

I leave the prison hastily and climb into my car. I don't turn my music on. I don't touch anything. I just sit in my car in shock about what nearly just happened.

When I've gathered myself I drive home in a bee line and when I get home I just sit on the couch. My eyes become heavy and I start to fall asleep but when I do nightmares strike my mind of Ben throwing punches left right and centre at me and him strapping me to a wall and punching and kicking me.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I scream when I wake up.

"What? What happened?" A voice calls from the kitchen.

Familiar footsteps sound as they run down the hall.

"What's wrong are you okay?" Nick asks rushing I into the room. "I got a call from the prison about you visiting and and an attempted attack was that you?"

I still hate how Nick was made an emergency contact because of my mental illnesses.

"Yeah." I say nodding my head.

"Who were you visiting?" He asks.

"Ben Hope." I say bluntly.

"Why?" Nick asks sounding disappointed. "We agreed never to see him again."

"Well I went Harry said he wanted to talk but then he looked around and I think he wanted to kill me." I sigh.

"Charlie this is serious are you okay?" He asks checking.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lie.

"Charlie you aren't, I know you aren't because you slept during the day."

"I'm fine." I say.

"Ok but please tell me if it changes I've gotta go to back to work now so I'll see you when I come back love you."

"Love you." I say placing a kiss on his cheek.

After Nick leaves I get a call from the school saying chase had trouble at school so I wait in the lounge room for him and right as he enters the door he's met with my question. "Heard you had trouble at school huh?"

Authors Note:
Hey everyone! I hope you guys have had an amazing week and are doing well. I have started updating this story once a week because of the time crunch I'm on but I will try and make it less but I can't make any promises. Have an amazing week everyone! Bye.

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