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Charles and I both are beyond giddy driving to our new home

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Charles and I both are beyond giddy driving to our new home.

Our home.

A home that's ours.

We started the day picking up a few things from my place, including little bruno my childhood puppy.

He can't stay, but with Papá traveling it's kind of fun to have him with us, not to mention Charles is beyond excited.

If we ever stop traveling so much we've got to get a dog. Just seeing how happy it makes him warms my heart from the inside out.

I started this year in a relationship with
out love, fucking an attractive driver on my way to a dream career in television.

It's so funny what a little time can do.

I'll end this year with my soulmate in hand, a home to build together and finally doing the job I was born for.

Everyday is fucking heaven.

I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but somehow it never does.

As I stare at the man driving me, his own grin plays under his green eyes as he dances to the music.

He can't dance for shit, but he is so beautiful.

Life lately is so beautiful.

We have almost no furniture to fill the space but it doesn't matter to us.

We get to be together, and that is enough.

Charles picked a villa halfway between Emilia and Maranello. Perfect for us.

I've got Elsa flying out in days and she'll be our first guest so I've got so much shopping to do.

Something I really can't complain about.

I do love to shop.

Charles hasn't let me see a thing about the place but he did give me an address so I planned a little surprise delivery for him.

And looked at the street view pictures, because how could I not.

So we're both shocked when we pull up to the two story white villa surrounded by trees. Him by the massive package, me that it's even cuter in person that online.

He did good.

So good.

"Charles, it's beautiful." I exhale, climbing out of the Ferrari before he even has a chance to make it to my door. I'm too eager, too excited.

"What is this?" He is drawn to the massive package as I take in the beautiful front yard.

"A little surprise," I grin and he turns back with a twinkle in his eye. I do love surprising him. "You wouldn't let me split the house with you, so this is the least I can do."

"Amelia, you didn't have to -" He pulls at the wrapping, curiosity ignited.

"I wanted to." I cut him off, not accepting any protests. Bruno runs and barks at his feet, happier to spend time with Charles than even me. A good sign I suppose.

"You didn't," He pears into the crate realizing what I got him.

"I did, I want to hear you play." I kiss his cheek and Charles pulls me into his arms, swinging me around.

"I'm a lucky man." He promises, kissing me.

I return his kiss, deepening it. All tied up in the emotions of the moment. Before I can blink Charles whisks me indoors, and sets me on the counter.

House tour will have to wait because when he pulls me close the bulge in his pants is impossible to miss. He feels so good I can't help but rock against him, wanting more already.

Charles groans, tangling his hand in my hair, kissing me so hard I lose all sense.

Nothing on my mind but him.

"I can't believe you're mine." He pulls away, giving me a chance to slip off my top.

I laugh, because I know full and well I am the lucky one. "Every inch of me."

He closes the distance between us, licking my nipple in a tease. Now he's not the only one moaning. We paw at our clothes, desire kicking in hard.

Wasting no time, he thrusting upwards to give us both what we crave.

In no time, waves of pleasure take over my body. I'm gripping the counter top so hard my knuckles turn white, driven crazy by his love.

"Fuck," He exhales hard, both of our breathing labored after that.

"So. Fucking. Good." I weaze out.

He gives me an agreeing kiss on the nose, practically skipping as he goes to wheel in his new present.

Our place is completely empty devoid of furniture but the piano, candles, food and bedding we brought over from my things. 

But still filled with more love than I could have ever dreamed of having.

Charles cracks open a bottle and sips straight from it a we have no glasses yet, taking a seat at the piano shirtless. He plays with a smile as I make a makeshift bed with what we have, lighting some candles. It's heaven.

We have each other, and that's what counts.

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