Followed By Another

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But one party for a world champion is quickly followed by another

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But one party for a world champion is quickly followed by another.

This one more intimate, Charles friends and family flying in from all over the globe to be here. Somehow a crowd of fifty causing me more anxiety than the over one fifty present the night of. Primarily, a few people. His family. His mother, who he has never spoken a bad word about to be exact.

Why is meeting the parents such an awkward thing?

Come to think of it, I never met Jays. Probably a red flag I should have picked up on there.

I barely even knew my own mother, I don't know how to make mothers like me!

Which explains why I'm out here on the balcony, with champagne I was supposed to get Charles and I. Smoking instead. Anything to take the edge off.

"Mi amore, I was looking for you." I hear Charles behind me.


Here I am in, in my own head and pulling him away from his party.

"I'll be in in a moment." I promise, voice breaking. Willing him to go away.

I suddenly feel like crying, the weight of it feeling like too much. Maybe if my own mother had been around more, I would feel better equipped. This feels like the one thing I in fact cannot do. If she hates me, we're done for. And I really really don't want to lose Charles. Not again.

"What is it?" He ignores my request to send him back inside, taking me in his arms from behind instead. Nuzzling my head under his, making me relax again just at his touch.

"I'm nervous." I confess.

"You're never nervous." His surprise is clear. I usually am not. Quite independent from an early age I always feel there's not much I can't do. But this one is getting to me.

"What if she doesn't like me..." I'm all but whispering now, ashamed of my own fear. Unable to stop my own silent tears from sliding down my cheeks.

"She will love you." Charles insists, having blind faith like always.

I wish I had that same confidence. My own mother did not, so why would his?

Taking a deep exhale, I force myself to be vulnerable with him when all I want is to throw up walls. "But my own didn't." My voice coming out desperately weak in a way I hate.

Charles isn't having any of it, pulling me in to face him and taking my face in his strong hands. "Amelia, she will love you just as I do. Believe it."

Looking deep into his eyes, I can see he has total faith. His confidence in me giving me some of my own. Helping me find my spine again. "Thank you Charles." I kiss him deeply, forcing myself to let go of the nerves.

Charles is so grounding for me.

What would I do without him?

Did he just admit he loves me?

Only then do I realize we aren't alone.

Oh fuck. I'd googled her so I would recognize her anywhere. His mother, present on the balcony while I am having my own small melt down and smoking weed.

Lovely, just lovely.

Great start I am off to.

"Oh, I am so sorry!" I startle, stiffening in Charles arms. He laughs and instead of glaring at him, I rush over to greet the woman who raised the man I love.

"Hello dear, I'm Pascale." She is warm from the get go, reaching out to give me a hug.

"I'm Amelia, it's so lovely to meet you." I give my widest grin. Hoping I haven't already fucked this.

"You are even more beautiful than Charles described." She smiles and it's contagious.

He's been talking about me to his mother? How wholesome.

"As are you, I can see where he gets his good looks from." I compliment her in return.

Charles brothers appear at the glass doors, and he waves them on as he joins our chat "It is true, you are the most beautiful women in the world." With his charming little wink.

Okay, this may be fine after all.

"Congratulations brother!" The one that must be Lorenzo embraces our winner.

"Lovely to see you again, Piper." Arthur punctuates each syllabale of the name. The name I first gave Charles, and the one Charles used in Miami.

I'd almost forgotten.

Everyone looks confused.

Charles shoots absolute daggers from his eyes, correcting him "Amelia."

Fuck me, this is an awkward first meeting if I've ever been a part of one.

"Amelia." Arthur agrees, extending me a hand.

The eldest clears his throat, but not the awkwardness with it.

"Nice to meet you." He gives me a kind nod, clearly uninformed on what just happened. "Boys, paddle board in the morning?"

A welcome change of topic.

"Does anyone want a drink?" I offer, once their plans are made. The brothers are clearly excited to be together again. It's sweet seeing Charles interact with them. Clearly they have a very deep bond. And with taking a drink order, I excuse myself.

I can only hope that wasn't as weird as it felt for me.

"I'll give you a hand," His mother offers, joining me just as I was leaving. "Are your shoes loewe? I do love their latest release."

Oh my god, was his mother made by angels? I do love shoe talk.

I link arms with her, thankful to have found a connection.

"Now you are talking my language." With a glimmer of excitement in both of our eyes, we head for the bar.

If she has a shoe obsession, we will be getting alone just fine indeed.

Just like Charles promised.

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