A Car To Be Driving

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"Amelia?" My papa asked, his tone unmistakably incredulous behind me

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"Amelia?" My papa asked, his tone unmistakably incredulous behind me.

"I'm sorry." I blurt out, rising to my feet. I feel like a kid caught with their hand in the candy jar.

It's not him who answers me, but Charles "You have nothing to be sorry for."

My papa is looking us up and down, reading the vibes. "He's right," he agrees and stares down his nose at us. Intrigued. "Don't you have a car to be driving Charles?" His words disguised as a question to get him to scram.

"I sure do." Charles takes the hint and heads out.

I can't help but call out "Good luck!" to which he rewards me with a smile.

Fucking hell. I'm so grateful for that man.

"Are you alright?" My papa asks, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Maybe." I answer with a deep inhale. He seems like soap and spice just like always. Like home.

Because truthfully, I don't know.

My jaw hurts like hell.

This will for sure bruise.

And worse than that, it will be all over the news today.

I'm embarrassed.

Shaken, to say the least of it.

I'm just glad to be in his arms.

Glad Jay is gone.

"Papa, I'm so sorry this will be all in the press." I snuggle into him with tears in my eyes.

There's not much weirder than living your personal life publicly.

Especially when things like this happen.

"Mi amore, do not worry. But the police would like to speak with you."


We're in America so this can only mean one thing, they want to know if I will press charges or not.

Surprisingly, papa pushes me to press. Saying if he will do it to me in public, he will do it anyone. That kind of behavior can't be allowed to continue. And he's more than fucking right.

So hands shaking, I do it. Jay leaves in handcuffs.

I'm fucking relieved.

So help me, I never want to see Jay again.

When we come out, Max and Charles had already smashed into causing damage that forced early pit stops for the both. As a result, the usual front runners had slipped to the back of the pack and the chances of a Ferrari cup today are all but gone. But the important thing is both drivers are okay and still in the race. Anything could happen.

Charles will be so broken hearted.

There's always next week.

"It didn't seem very casual between you and Charles today." My father mentions as we fall in slow step towards the Ferrari garage.

That's a hell of an understatement.

Charles stepped up for me today in a big way.

A way he has several times now.

My own personal knight in shining armor.

In a very public way too.

"It's not," I confess glancing up at him for any signs of disappointment, but he gives none. A promising sign. "Sono pazzo di lui." With a sigh of truth.

"Really? You haven't said that about anyone since Harry Styles." He cracks a joke that hits all to close to home. He's right.

I never said it about Jay. Or any of my boyfriends. Always told him as little as possible, always making sure I didn't care too much. Kept them all at arms length.

Something impossible to do with Charles.

We chuckle but I tug on his pointer finger like I have done since I was a little girl. "I mean it. It's hopeless."

I'm Charles', hook line and sinker.

I have been since the day we met.

Before I even realized it.

"He seems to care a lot for you." He encourages me as a faint smile dances across his face.

I'm so relieved he's happy.

"He does."

Just thinking about Charles pulls my lips into a grin.

Puts a little pep in my step.

That's all he needs to know, he doesn't push anymore. No questions. No words of caution. He's seen all he needed to know today.

I'm soaring.

Life is too good to be true.

When the race ends, Charles begs to disagree.

He's frustrated.

Short fused.

Pissed off to say the less.

He wanted to win today, and it's clear he's more than upset it didn't happen yet.

So I give him his space, because hell I could use some too. I leave early, as early as possible.

I take the longest shower of my life and cover up the purple starting to form. I know I should head to the party but tonight... I feel off. I usually run to tequila after weekend, dancing a perfect way to unwind.

But tonight, it doesn't feel right.

Instead I'm chain smoking, going through a usual multiple day supply. One joint not enough.

Nothing is enough.

How did I not see the red flags in Jay?

Am I missing red flags in Charles?

I thought I was smarter than this?

Yeah, I'm definitely not going out tonight. I just want to be alone with my joint, thoughts and the stars. And some crisps.

I don't move for hours, just caught up in my head. Trying to work through this. Make sense of it. Decide what I want to say.

I feel like I need to put out a statement, but the words are failing me. How can I pick the right words? It feels too heavy.

My hotel door opens and closes, signaling Charles is here.

My heart leaps a little in relief. He makes everything a little better, just being there.

"Ciao," He greets me with a kiss to the nose. His hair ruffled and his top barely buttoned in the marks of a good evening out. He smells of whiskey, but he feels like home when he snuggles up with me on the patio chair.

"Hell of a day." I remark and cuddle into him.

"You can say that again." He replies, and we fall into easy silence. I'm glad he came to my room. Glad he protected me today. Glad he's my calm in the storm. Glad he's mine.

Going For The GapDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora