I Have A Confession To Make

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"Morning sunshine" Charles croaked in a morning voice just before planting a kiss on my forehead

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"Morning sunshine" Charles croaked in a morning voice just before planting a kiss on my forehead.

Sunshine? I don't even want to get into weird shit that is him calling me the same nickname as my Papá.

"Morning," I whisper behind closed eyes "I'm starving."

Sleeping on a boat didn't offer me any chance to skip out silently in the morning, and if I'm stuck with Charles for the morning I better damn well get some food out of it at least.

He chuckles, always easy going, even at the literal crack of dawn somehow. "I know just the place."

I slip back on my dress and he takes us back to land. One glance at my phone tells me it's dead so I have no idea what time it is and frankly I don't care. I'm not willing to give up my little fairytale bubble just yet.

The wind from the boat wakes me up at rapid pace and I retire back to the captains chair he stands in front of, claiming his spare grey hoodie for my own.

I'm happy. Contended in a way I don't know if I've felt in years. If ever.

But I know this can't last. Pre-season testing is just days away and I haven't even had the decency to give him my real name. I don't think I have the courage.

As it turns out, he does know the perfect breakfast spot after all. Matcha and poppy bagel in hand, I am a very very happy girl. "This is divine," I have to cover my mouth because I wouldn't dare stop chewing. Charles smiles wide in return, pleased I'm so happy. "I'm a very simple girl. Some good food, good dick and nice weather is all I need to be happy." I continue hoping to get a laugh out of him.

When he grants me the chuckle I wanted, I swear I feel literal butterflies.

"I doubt you're as simple as all that" He teases, already finished devouring his much healthier bagel choice.

"You're right. Good shoes and weed help too," I tease "And you? What makes you happiest?"

"Hmm winning," He thinks further "The little moments with the people I love." If I'm not mistaken I hear a twinge of sadness in his voice. Squeezing his fingers on my thigh with my own I give him a knowing look.

"Charles, I have a confession to make." The words fall out of me before I can stop them.

"Yes?" He asks in his adorable accent and for a moment I consider.. Should I spill it all? Would he still want me if I laid all my cards on the table?

I can't do it. "My name isn't Piper," I hate myself for being such a damn chicken. "My first name is really Amelia."

"Okay.. Why did you lie to me?" Confusion lines his face.

"Well - You never asked. And I always say Piper on nights out so they can't find me and stalk me. I'm sorry... I should have told you sooner." Please, please don't ask my last name I silently hope.

"I'm not upset," He reassures me and my hopes are answered. "Makes sense now why you didn't let me say your name when we were fucking." He cracks a bit of a joke so I let out a nervous giggle.

"You caught me there." He indeed had.

"At least I know the proper name to put your number under," He kisses me and slides me the phone before relaxing back into his seat. "Besides, Piper didn't suit you."

"Not very Italian," I agree. "When do you fly to Bahrain?" Changing the subject, I thank my lucky stars that I'm safe. For now at least.

"Bright and early at eight tomorrow, you?"

"Tonight," I respond "I'm quite nervous actually, are you?"

"You have no need to worry, you'll be brilliant," and the way Charles beams at me I can't help but believe it "I'm not nervous... more excited. I can't wait to see the pace on the car. We made some design changes I can't tell you about, but I can already tell it will reduce the bouncing and help us move around the corners better."

"Redbull crushed on the straights last year, have you done anything to improve there?" I ponder and we fall into easy conversation. 

It may have been less than twenty four hours but it feels we've known each other a lifetime. Charles spends the morning showing me around his city, and points out some of his favorite spots that I swear to remember. He promises me a hike together - best one of my life at that, when we come back for the Grand Prix, and I believe him. 

When he drops me off at my hotel I can only think of one thing while I pack, the hope that he doesn't run at my last name. It's bound to come out at some point but he handled Amelia with such ease I find myself believing everything can be swept under the rug. Right?

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