Time To Rip Off The Bandaid

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I'm awake well before my alarm goes off

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I'm awake well before my alarm goes off.

Studying race data is the only thing that manages to distract my wondering mind from Charles so when I failed to still at four in the morning, it's the only answer.

Ugh, Charles.

It's been unbelievably hard spending the last few nights alone last night after having the last several with him. He called and texted, but only once. I forced myself to let them go unanswered and heed Carmen's advice. She's never led me astray before.

Not to mention, I have a boyfriend. And even worse, Papá is here today. If I'm going to get caught - Today is the day. 

You could say, I am categorically a huge ducking bundle of nerves.

I wear all black again, but today I'm not sure if it's more for confidence or mourning.

Before the day gets started, I scurry away to find my Papá in the one place he loves being most: The Ferrari garage.  Time to rip of the bandaid.

I haven't seen him since January, and miss him terribly. My mama passed away years ago and he's all I have left - But that's okay. We've always been two pea's in a pod despite our near fifty year age gap. He's the one who made me love sports, have a passion for racing. 'It's in your blood,' he always said and it's true. He grew up watching his Father on the track in the factory constantly. 

He'd taught him that Ferrari isn't just sports cars, it's racing too. They are inseparable.

Something my own Papá passed down to me. A last name like ours carry's a heavy weight, but there's so mistaking the passion and the privilege that outshine all of that.

I love the smell of the garages. The hustle of everyone running back and forth. The burn out of the tires. The second I step into the paddock, I feel at home.

I see him before I even make it to the garage. Papá is on the pit wall talking animatedly with the engineers. He looks so happy, and my heart honestly swells just seeing him.

"Papá!" I call out and he pulls me into an embrace the second I'm within reach. He's much taller than me and his hug literally sweeps me off my feet, swinging me around. I could nearly cry at the joy of having him close... These last few days have been so emotional and something about a hug with you parent, it's special.

He smells of soap and spice just like always. Near eighty now but never too old to swing his little girl around. "Oh amore mio mi sei mancato" I giggle to him. Papá feels just like home to me.

"Il mio raggio di sole, just as bright as ever," He finally plants me on my own two feet and cups my face on his hands. Just standing with him again, I get the feeling that everything will be alright. "Would you care for a coffee? Please, tell me you love the new job." He is shining. Racing giving both of us the energy we needed today.

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