Happy Tears

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"Breakfast my love?"  Charles wakes me for once, the minute of food enough to stir me

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"Breakfast my love?"  Charles wakes me for once, the minute of food enough to stir me.

"Yes please" The second I roll over to kiss him I can tell he's excited.

Charles is beaming like he won the lottery.

He looks like a kid on christmas day.

"What?" I cock an eyebrow.

How can someone be so happy before caffeine?

"I have news, but I won't tell you until breakfast."

Ah, he's got me there. He knows I won't be fully awake until I get some caffeine in me. And he knows how eager I can be to learn a secret.

Curiosity absolutely eats me alive.

I rush, getting dressed and out of the room as quick as I can.

We have to go home tomorrow so the choice is easy, much of my stuff for the last months already packed away.

I'm practically skipping as we go hand in hand to the nearest breakfast spot.

Charles seems to know a good brunch location in every corner of the world, but you won't find me complaining about that.

"Tell me?" I ask the very moment we sit down. I can't wait until the food comes.

It's eating me alive.

"You know how you asked me about where I will live?" Charles ask, with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Yes.." I trail off, not sure where he is going with this. But with the look on his face, I'm sure it's going somewhere good.

Real good.

Please, please be good news.

"Well, I did something impulsive."

Fuck. Impulsive is never good.

"Which is?" I'm on the literal edge of my seat for this news.

"I bought a house." He says, just in time for our food to arrive.

A house?

Another one?

When the hell did he have time to do that?

"A house?" I can't hold back my shock. Mind swimming with a million questions.

"Yes," He looks right into my eyes now, leaning close. "In Italy."

My heart soars.

So this is what he was making calls about.

Never questioning he wanted to be where I was.

Fucking hell, I am one lucky woman.

I can't think of much harder than going back to a life without this joy, this love. I need him far more than I had admitted to myself, but all I know is a life without Charles isn't worth it.

And the fact he thought to move to me, not even me asking to move to him is a kindness I couldn't have even imagined.

I'm absolutely floored.

Tears come to my eyes but I try to focus on my bagel, oh what interesting seeds on it. Cute.

If I look at his smiling face right now, there's no chance I'll be able to keep them back.

This is probably the happiest moment of my life and I can't even remember the name of the cafe we're in.

What a sweet, sweet man.

"Oh shit," Charles concern is clear and he rustles in his chair.

A rustle that finds him at my side, kneeling to put his face into my life of sight almost in a proposal position. "I don't have to. I just assumed that's what you want."

"Charles it's perfect" I promise, leaning down to hug him hard. I'm so happy I could swear I'm floating. "More than perfect."

I honestly believed happy tears were only the movies, but here and now I know that's not true.

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