Worth It

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He breaks first

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He breaks first.

"I'm sorry," he slumps and I can tell he means it. It's all I can do to keep my mouth from hanging open at the words. "I'm crazy about you. You consume me. I'm so fucking jealous, but I have no right to be. Forgive me."


I want to have a full on meltdown at the words coming out of his mouth.

I actually can't believe this is happening.

"Charles... You didn't want me." I'm all but whispering, yet he still hears me. Taking a step forward. My defiance all but drained out of my body.

"I never said that."


That is technically true.

So please say you want me now, my heart is crying out. I'm frozen, captivated by what's happening.

"You never said anything at all." He's right, but so am I. When I asked him to make or break, he didn't say a damn word. Just looked at me. I'm grown enough to know if a man wants you, he'll tell you. He'll prove it.

I hope that's what's happening here.

Please, please let me get this one good thing.

The one good thing that makes everything better.

"I was damn fool," he bites the words out, stepping closer. His eyes never leaving mine. "I can't stomach the thought of him touching you. Having you. Of any man. Sono pazzo di te." He slips into italian and my resolve shatters into a million pieces.

I'm crazy about him too.

Unsure of what to say, I say nothing. My heart is pounding. Hoping.

I can read the desperation in his face.

The need.

For me.

He hasn't even touched me and already I'm on fire for him.

"Let me prove to you I can. Let me prove to you I deserve to be your only." Voice husky, he asks the only words I've been dying to hear since the day we met.

This is all I really wanted.

Just us.

A real us.

Not an occasional, hidden us.

It won't be easy.

But I won't think about that now. I don't give a damn if it's not easy, it's worth it. He's worth it.

"Kiss me." I command, giving him the only answer he needs.

In seconds he does, pulling me into his arms with an embrace like never before.



A embrace of missing. Of heartache. Of promise.

I can't get enough of him, wrapping my frame around him like a monkey.

I missed this. Missed him. His touch.

Each move sends sparks flying.

Unable to wait, we ravage each other here and now. Taking what we need on the balcony. Bed be damned, we don't have the patience.

Fuck patience. Fuck the world. Nothing else matters but this moment. Each other.

Charles takes me here and now on the patio furniture. Clawing at each other, not even taking all our clothes off. It's intense. It's powerful. It's fucking perfect. We climax in sync as the satisfaction vibrates throughout us powerfully.

Each of us breathless, exhausted from the emotions of the day. Charles pulls me into the bed, whispering sweet nothings until we can't keep our eyes open any longer. And for the first time in weeks I fall asleep in total peace, feeling completely at home in his arms no matter where we are in the world.

Charles awakes planting kisses down my backside, boner already pressing into me. Making up for lost time. We don't even need to speak, giving each other exactly what we need. What we know the other likes so well.

In the first ten minutes I'm awake, I orgasm. Hell of a way to start the day. But that's just Charles. We can't keep our hands off each other. Like we're making up for lost time.

"If you're going to fuck me like that, I'm going to need sustenance." I protest and pull him closer, half expecting him to order room service like usual.

"Can I take you out to breakfast?" He shocks me on that one, and I look into his green eyes with a wide smile.

Out? In public.



"Charles Leclerc, are you asking me on a date?" I tease him, entering unknown ground for us.

But this is what I wanted.

What we wanted.


"Only for the rest of your life," He kisses my nose gently and pulls away, sending butterflies from my head to my toes with his charm. "Get dressed, I know just the spot."

All smiles, I couldn't be happier to oblige.

And he does in fact know the perfect spot. I don't know how he always picks the best breakfast but I fucking love it.

I could get used to this.

Charles let's me get through my breakfast because he brings it up. "So, what will your father think about all this?"

My stomach swirls at the mention.

I really don't know... But I'm feeling cautiously optimistic.

Gotta risk it for the biscuit sometimes!

"Well, he'll probably caution me because we've never been lucky in affairs of the heart. But I hope he'll be happy for me." I give him my most convincing smile.

"We've?" He inquires, not sure of my meaning.

"Papá and I. The Ferrari's leave a string of romantic 'ops' in our wake." I sigh deeply because it's true we have a terrible history. "And maybe, um, we should keep this under wraps until he's here for race day. I'll tell him when you win and he's in a fanatic mood."

He's looking at me like I'm the cutest thing in the world. Trying not to smile all morning but his lips can't help it. I love it.

"If you're sure you can make it another day without any kisses in public." He chooses to cave, teasing me instead.

Another day without kisses does sound terrible.

Because I rather want one right now.

But I should tell Papá in person, all things considered.

"Mhmm, you'll have to give me extra tonight to make up for it." I smile in return.

The feeling in my bones telling me that every little thing is going to be alright indeed. Better than alright. Perhaps wonderful.

It feels too good to be true.

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