Caught Red Handed

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Since Charles abandoned me to play paddle board, I braved my fears and did the last thing I'd have thought I would last night

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Since Charles abandoned me to play paddle board, I braved my fears and did the last thing I'd have thought I would last night.

Invite his mother out.

Shoe shopping, of course. The nerves wash away almost immediately after she slides into the car with matcha's in hand. I don't know how she knew, but she does. Hours pass with ease, fun even. She's charming and intensely kind. The kind of kind that compliments strangers on the street, and calls the waiter by name.

Not to mention has great fucking taste. I think I love her.

I'm not sure what I was so worried about after all.

We shop until we literally drop, collapsing into a booth for a much needed lunch. Mostly speaking of Charles, racing and shoes, until topic take a turn for the worst.

"Amelia, I couldn't help over hearing you speak about your own mother last night." The smile evaporates off my face instantly at the topic change, and I feel myself stiffen in my seat.

My mama.

Not an easy topic for me.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that." I apologize, hoping it will put an end to this.

That's clearly not her intention, as she covers my hand with her own across the table. The contact alone nearly enough to spring tears into my eyes. I hate how sensitive I am on this subject.

"You have nothing to apologize for. It broke my heart, hearing what you said." Tears of her own well up into her eyes, her sincerity ringing clear. "I just wanted to say that no matter how it may have seemed, I am sure your mother liked you. And if she could see you now, she would be so proud of you dear."

That's it, waterworks are flowing now.

The words drive straight for my soul, touching a part of me I'd kept walled off for so long now.

I hope she would be proud.

I hope she's right.

It's hardest of all, the not knowing.

Sniffling, "Thank you for saying that." I try to wipe my eyes, remembering this is a public place.

A thank you I mean from the bottom of my heart.

I didn't know how much I needed to hear those words.

"And if you ever need a mother, I hope you know you can call me."

My heart grows five sizes. I believe her too. She seems like the kind of woman who wouldn't be bothered, but rather glad I called. And I think someday, someday I will.

When I finally compose myself, she pulls her hand from mine. Hard topics out of the way, but topics that gave me relief I didn't know I needed.

It's hard to part with her, but when the sun starts to set we both know it's time. But she get out of the car until I promise I'll come for Christmas. A promise I can't wait to fulfill.

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