To Stay Or To Go

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And keep me from being lonely he does

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And keep me from being lonely he does.

Daniel more than satisfies and there's that freshly laid glow on me as I slide out in the morning and over a few floors back to my room. Staying in the same hotel makes nighttime rendezvous so much more convenient. I leave him sleeping in search of breakfast.

I noticed a bagel shop on the same street yesterday and with a fresh set of clothes head over to check it out. I've got hours before we fly out. Papá loves his sleep so we never go too early. Another perk to traveling with him.

He can't stay for next week so he'll drop me in Mexico and head home for the week. A week in the Ferrari garage without him will make harder to avoid Charles. Luckily! I have a lot to learn and that keeps me busy. Distracted. Excited too.

There's no way I'd risk such proximity to him if it didn't.

But time heals all.

I'll get used to it. His power over me will fade.


So lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice the subject of them walking in front of me. Shit.

Even the back of his head is attractive. Tussled almost curls. And the guy has style.

Arguably better interior style than me, but no need to reflect on that.

I wonder where he's going?

He is alone at least.

But so am I.

Slowing my pace not to get to close, I can't help the frown on my face when he pops into the exact bakery I was headed too.

Of course.

To stay or to go?

I'm not sure. I am starved.

But I really don't want to talk to him right now.

What to do..

There's a bench, so I can just wait until he leaves. That settled, my stomach rumbles reveal I don't have much patience.

I can't believe I'm letting a man stand between me and my breakfast.

But not just any man.

The only one I can't get out of my head.

I should talk to him. It can't go on like this forever.

"I got you a bagel. Poppy right?" The voice I've been avoiding pops out of nowhere and I nearly jump out of my skin.

By the looks of him, he's amused. So he knew I was behind him. Of course. "Fuck, you scared the shit out of me." I reach out to take the bagel from his hand. When my fingers graze his, I swear electricity flies.

I'm touched he remembered my bagel order.That he got it for me.

Confused though. What is this about?

"Do you know why I'm flying with you today?" He asks, surprising me again.

"Flying with me?" I ask for more detail, noticing a matcha in his hand that makes me grin. "Is that mine too?" I gesture.

Damn it, the guy is thoughtful. I love that he knows my breakfast order far more than I would care to admit.

"I got an email. Your father asked me to join." He hands me the matcha that is indeed mine.

That is odd.

Sometimes Papá combines work with flights though. Thank fuck this is a shorter flight if we're going to be sharing. But there's way less room to avoid on a jet than in a garage.


"No," I answer with a shrug because I honestly don't. But I'm sure it's work. I've been careful not to mention Charles by name to him once. "Sit?" I gesture to the spot on the bench beside me but he shakes his head no in return.

"You look good Amelia. See you." And takes his exit. Scrambling my head even further than before.

What the fuck is going on here?

Well, this will be and interesting day at the least.

The whole interaction throws me off kilter for the rest of the morning. I'm nervous. Unsure.

Why did Papá ask him?

I wish he would have told me.

Too in my head, I'm the last one to the tarmac. By a lot.

I greet everyone with apologies, taking a seat across from Papá so I mercifully don't have to look at Charles. The vibes are off. Really off.

I don't know if it's just in my head or not, but I bury myself in emails for at least a solid hour to avoid it regardless. Avoid, avoid, avoid.

"Charles, will you sit with us?" Papá clears his throat and breaks the silence. He gestures for me to scoot over a seat so I do, not even looking at Charles when he takes a seat beside me.

Weird vibes indeed.

What the fuck is going on?

Furrowing my brow, I gaze at him. He's considering his words and we're all on the edge of our seats now.

"I received some rather delicate photos of you," My cheeks red as hell at the mere words. Delicate photographs of Charles and I? This can't be good. "From your summer break."

Fucking hell my father had looked at them.

My heart sinks all the way to the ground at the words.


Lightning, strike me down now.

The silence is deafening.

This is so awkward I'm sure I'm not the only one wanting to drop dead right now. Papá is flushed. Hell, we're all flushed.

"And I've paid to keep them from being released." He continues, saying something I'm actually thankful to hear. I sigh in relief, unable to help myself. "But what I would like to know, is if it will be a problem for you two to work together." He's asking us both, but staring right at me alone.

Will it be an issue? Yes. "No." I answer, pulling as much confidence as I can into my voice.

"Of course not. It was casual, we keep it strictly professional now." Charles answers.


Casual. Lovely.

Not really the word I would have picked.

Good to know.

"That's what I wanted to hear. Let me know if anything else changes." He nods and vacates us to our own devices. This conversation clearly too much for all of us.

So fucking awkward.

You could cut the tension with a knife.

Unable to stop myself I literally start to giggle like a little school girl at the awkwardness.

"Fuck, that was terrible." Charles joins in laughing a bit with me quietly.

Understatement of the year.

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