Two Can Play That Game

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It's been twenty four of the slowest hours of my entire life since I last saw Charles

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

It's been twenty four of the slowest hours of my entire life since I last saw Charles.

I don't know if I can make it much longer, so I drop into his favorite bakery and grab a variety of things to surprise him with. He'd promised me a hike when we were in Monaco next and I fully intend to take him up on that offer after a little erm, morning exercise.

The skip is back into my step, and a smile tattooed on my face the entire walk to his place.

By the time I knock on the door I'm beaming, heart racing in anticipation again already.

I knock and wait for a moment, and when the door finally swings open it wipes the smile right off my face.

It's not Charles who answers the door, but Charlotte.

Barefoot and in one of hoodies.

Every sign is there.

For a minute, neither of us speak. The confusion is clear on her face.

"Hi, Amelia Ferrari," I stuck my hand out instictively "I don't think we've met before." Of course I know we haven't. But I've fumbled the ball on the play and I'm trying desperately to get out of here before he see's me.

For not the first time this week I find myself wishing for an invisibility cloak.

"Lovely to meet you, I'm Charlotte" She kindly shakes my hand not bothering to mention we aren't business men doing a deal "I love your hat."

She's so nice. It only makes it worse.

"Oh, thank you so much. I touch it, suddenly remembering I have a giant bag of pastries in hand "My Papá was so concerned for Charles after the accident, he asked me to drop these of personally."

I'm all but shoving the bag on her now. "That is so kind - Do you want to come in?"

Do I want to come in? I don't think I could possibly do anything worse right now. "No, I'd hate to disrupt the morning. Just sending our well wishes and I'll be off. Have a good one."

I don't wait for a response, I can't. Regardless she calls out to my back that is all but running away "Thank you, you too!" before I hear the door click closed.

I'm so damn angry I walk the entire two miles to the trail. I'm literally fuming.

Do I even have a right to be? Maybe not, but that sure as hell doesn't stop me. Thank fuck I have a joint on me.

I lit up and start the hike. I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore.

I should just go back to my place. Going back and sitting alone though, really doesn't sound that great. So I continue.

"Ello Amelia," I hear the voice of my favorite distraction clear as day behind me "Fancy running into you here!"

"Dan! What a the chances," I smile, puffing in between. Daniels already shirtless in black shorts, rock hard abs and tattoo's exposed. He looks good, and he knows it. I need a fucking high bad right now. "Come here often?"

"It's my favorite trail, you running after that?" He motions towards my joint with a grin wide as ever.

In spite of the cloud over my head I can't help but laugh after that "Fuck no, I'm walking. It's like nearly six kilometers, are you joking?"

His face tells me he isn't so he doesn't have to "I'll join you if you want, nothing like a beautiful view with a beautiful woman. I already squeezed in two today so I reckon I deserve a bit of a break. " Fucking hell, imagine being the kind of person to actually run like eight kilometers a day. I could never.

"Only if you promise to defend me from any bears." I tease and we fall in step together with ease.

"There's definitely no bears here love," he erupts with laughter over that one.

It's easy with Daniel. No pressure, no intensity. Hiking turns to the beach which turns to dinner which turns to drinks. For two people wanting nothing public or serious, we sure are spending a lot of time in public sharing things together.

But I don't want to think about that right now.

And I categorically do not wish to think of Charles and Charlotte right now.

So when several drinks turns into popping in on a friends boat party I'm down. Daniel is always the perfect distraction, never making me think of anything serious.

Honestly though my tummy is already sore from laughing far too much together today, but what's a girl gonna do?

That's a hell of a lot better than the way Charles has hurt me.

I'll be damned, this is the same slip he keeps his boat in. I know this isn't something I should know so I continue on poking fun at Daniel over getting a pet zebra.

"No I swear, you could keep it in the horse stable." I tease as he steps onto the worst boat I could possibly imagining partying on tonight. I curse myself for not asking more details. This is unmistakably Charles boat. There's no mistaking it. It's swimming with drivers and friendly faces on board.

Fucking hell there's no way I can get out of this now. "You're crazy mate, you can't do that with a wild animal!" Daniel is laughing still when I see them. Charles and Charlotte are here. Of course they are, it's his boat.

I can't help the sinking feeling in my heart when I notice them. They seem happy as they keep chatting towards the bow. He hasn't registered our arrival yet, that much is clear.

Carmen and George are here, so we jump into easy conversation with them kissing on both cheeks. It's clear the way she is looking at me that she's surprised to see me with Daniel. Understandable. Mercifully she waits until he goes to grab us drinks to say anything.

"What's the story there?" She asks eyeing me over her cocktail, her and George both honed in on me.

"Just a bit of fun," I tease "But I ran into him hiking today and we just ended up spending the day together somehow. He's a hoot." He is, and that is the truth. I'd say more but sure as hell not in front of George. I thank my lucky stars when she lets me off easily, wanting to know which parties I'll attend for Monaco weekend.

I'm talking and doing my absolute best to look normal right now , but I can't stop starring at Charles and Charlotte over their shoulders. 

She's glowing. He's laughing. 

He leans in to kiss her and I force myself to look away. I wish that was me. 

My chest is in fucking knots. I don't want to feel sad, so I chose anger.

Fuck nothing public, I want revenge.

When Daniel comes back with my tequila, I know just what to do next.

"Don't be mad," I smile at him, hopeful he doesn't straight up reject me right now. I've had enough of that these last few weeks. "I just can't help myself."

His eyes sparkle with curiosity for only seconds, because I lean up on my tip toes planting a hell of a kiss on him. Daniel thankfully allows it and even plays right into it, grabbing my ass to pull me closer to him. George lets out a little cheer that gets spurred on by others as they notice what's happening. For the first time since I stepped onto the boat, I feel Charles eyes on me. Burning into my skin.

A show is a show, so I deepen the kiss even more with tongue that Daniel returns.

Two can play that game.

Going For The GapΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα