Shade x Wild x Rory | Escape from Codi Gizmody

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(scene opens to the Lookout at night where Wild, Rory, and Shade are sleeping closely together)

(a ripple effect into their dreams which have been magically connected thanks to Mirage's magic)

(scene switches to Wild, Rory, and Shade outside City Hall wearing wedding attire while all there friends are there)

Rory and Shade: (squeals) this is the best day of my life!

Wild: (chuckles) It's purr-fect for me too!

Rory and Shade: (swoons) Oh Wild! We're so happy both of us get to marry you!

Wild: (smiles) I'm the lucky one to be marrying two of my dearest friends who mean the world to me!

Rory and Shade: We agree!

(scene changes to Mirage helping to marry the trio)

Mirage: I now pronounce you husband and wives! You may kiss!

(Rory and Shade both kiss Wild)

Rory, Wild, and Shade: (giggles) Best wedding ever!

(scene changes to later when all three are caring for a total twelve newborn kittens while Mirage watches) (six a offspring from Rory and Wild while the other six are from Shade and Wild)

Mirage: (giggles) Those newborn kittens are adorable!

Rory: (walks over) Thank you so much for making this possible, Mirage!

Shade: (walks over) Yeah! You let us experience how it felt being moms and having a family!

Mirage: (smiles) No problem guys! (eyes glowing pink) (concerned) Hello?

Shade: (concerned) Mirage, is something wrong?

Mirage: (worriedly) Are you sure?

Rory: (concerned) Mirage?

Mirage: (eyes return to normal) Guys we've been taken!

Shade and Rory: What? (confused) We're dreaming in the Lookout, aren't we?

Mirage: (shakes her head) No, my mom telepathically called me having an important message from Mason who witnessed Codi Gizmody and her robotic henchmen kidnap all of us since we were outside the Lookout. Okay maybe she has no idea I'm here but she knows you guys are!

Shade: (confused) Wait, your eyes didn't glow like that before during other telepathic calls?

Mirage: It was an urgent one!

Rory and Shade: (nods understanding)

Wild: (runs over) I heard what you said we need to wake up!

Mirage: (points to the kittens) Better say goodbye!

Rory, Wild, and Shade: (nuzzle their dream kittens before saying their goodbyes)

Rory: Goodbye kids, I hope we really do have you one day!

Mirage: (summons a magic doorway) Follow me! (runs through it)

Rory, Wild, and Shade: Wait for us! (runs through before it vanishes)

(a ripple effect to the real world where the trio are trapped in a cage with Codi Gizmody watching them)

Codi Gizmody: Ha! You three are now my prisoners, nobody will find you now!

Wild: You can't do this Codi!

Codi Gizmody: I can and I did! (sticks her tongue out)

Rory and Shade: (offended) Rude!

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