Chase x Sylvia | The Return of Syliva

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(scene opens to the Farmer Al's where Chase is preparing for Adventure Bay's Sheep Herding Competition)

Chase: Thanks for letting me practice hedging at your farm, Farmer Al!

Farmer Al: (chuckles) No problem Chase!

Sound: (rustling)

Chase: Do you hear that rustling sound?

Farmer Al: I sure do!

(both look at a hay bale that's vibrating)

Chase: What's going on with that hay bale?

Farmer Al: I'm not sure Chase!

(both walks closer before the hay bale pops revealing Mirage and Melody inside)

Mirage: Hi guys!

Farmer Al: (surprised) Girls what are you doing here?

Melody: We were checking out Chase practicing for the competition!

Chase: Here to see me practice so I win!

Mirage: (nods) I'm thinking of entering myself!

Chase: I'm not sure huskies can participate?

Mirage: (walks off) We'll see about that!

Melody: I'd better go talk with you here! (waves) Late guys! (follows Mirage)

Farmer Al: I wonder what Mirage is thinking of doing?

Chase: (shrugs) I'm not sure, but Mirage is a resourceful pup so she might find a way of joining!

Farmer Al: I wonder where she's gonna find a herd of sheep to practice on?

Chase: I'm not sure but I do know I'm gonna try my best to win against Sylvia!

(scene changes to Mirage having turned herself into a german shepherd on a vast ranch herding twenty sheep until Melody and Mason walk over)

Mason: How's it going Mirage?

Mirage: Thank you so much for letting practice use your ranch universe, Mason!

Mason: Plus with that special magical collar deactivating your powers, you'll be able to practice as a normal pup!

Melody: (concerned) Mirage will regain all her powers once the collar is off her neck, right Mason?

Mason: (pets Melody) I assure you Melody, that Mirage will instantly regain all her genie pup powers when that collar is off!

(scene moves to a bulky sheep standing on its back legs glaring nearby)

Mason: (looks over) That Baa-barian looks like he's glaring at us!

Melody: (glares back at the Baa-barian) Leave us alone or I'll turn you into roast lamb!

Baa-barian: (eyes widen) (immediately leaves)

Mason: (chuckles) Didn't know you had it in you to scare one of those guys off!

Melody: (calmly) I apologize, but when it comes to keeping my family safe I might get aggressive!

Mason: (pets Melody) I know for a fact that we understand the importance of family!

Mirage and Melody: Yeah!

Mirage: (realizes) Wait I never joined the competition!

Mason: No worries, I asked Savvy if she could sign you up in Adventure Bay's Sheep Herding Competition!

Mirage: (hugs Mason) Thank you both!

Mason: (smiles) My daughter already knows how grateful you are! Now just remember to do your best and practice!

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