seventy four

874 42 53

FLASKBACK pt.1 (sunday...)

Sunghoon's Pov•••

"I promise I'll text you when I get home." I say

"You better." Sunoo says.

"I will. Bye, I love you."

"I love you too."

I quickly give him a kiss before walking out and going to my car.

I put in the directions to the store I was going to, and drive off.

Moms birthday is in three days and I haven't gotten her a present yet.

I've been putting it off all week, but I figured since I was already out, I could go get it now.

It's about a 30 minute drive out to the store I'm going to, so I turn on some music so I'm not just driving in silence.

My music taste was a bit calmer than Sunoo's. My speaker started to play Reflections by The Neighborhood.

This song reminded me a bit of Sunoo. I'm already starting to miss him.

Maybe I should've let him come with me.

My playlist goes through a few more songs, some being ones Sunoo recommended me, before I reached the shopping unit.

I planned on getting mom the set of jewelry she's been wanting for a while, but has been telling herself not to buy.

I park in a good spot and get out, heading into the store.

I look for the set she was wanting, and thankfully they still had it.

It was a matching set of sapphire earrings and a sapphire necklace. It was a bit pricey, but anything for mom.

I got the set boxed and bagged, then decided to browse for a little bit longer.

I hold the small bag and roam around the store for a little bit, looking at all of the jewelry on display.

I came across where the rings were, and a specific pair caught my eye.

The two rings had a sun and a moon carved into them.

"Hey um, can I look at these rings?" I ask the lady behind the counter.

She opens the display and puts out the rings on the counter for me to look at them.

I tried on the moon one, and it perfectly fit on my finger.

I know Sunoos ring finger is about the size of my pointer finger, so I try to sun ring on, and that one fit aswell.

Let's just hope it's the right size for Sunoo.

I get the rings boxed and bagged, then I exit the store.

The bag they gave me with the rings in it was smaller than the one with moms present, so I went and put the rings in my car so I wouldn't have to carry both.

Once the rings were hidden safely in my car, I look around and see the shopping until was pretty empty.

There were barely any people out today. Maybe because it was a Sunday.

I make sure my car is locked before heading back over to the shops to look for another present. I held on tightly to moms present, just incase.

As I was walking to another shop, I came across a little alley in between the two stores. I don't pay it any mind, as I was checking my phone for any texts or calls I may have missed from anyone.

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