sixty six

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Sunoo's Pov•••

Jungwon and Niki had left a little earlier than they usually do. Jungwon told his mom that he was staying at my house after Jays, and Niki told his mom he was spending two nights, so they both promised them they would be home before noon.

After they left, I took a shower and changed into some more comfortable clothes. I hadn't eaten yet, so I was really hungry.

As if he could read my mind, Sunghoon texted me saying he was bringing me food, so he asked if I had ate yet.

I'm so thankful I got such an amazing, caring boyfriend like Sunghoon..

About 20 minutes later, Sunghoon was at my door with breakfast from one of my favorite breakfast places.

"I tried getting here as fast as I could so they would ruin." He says with a smile.

Oh god...i'm literally so in love with this man...

What would I ever do without him?...

"What'd you get?" I ask, sitting at the table.

"You'll see." He says, setting down the two boxes of food on the table.

I take mine and slowly open it.

"Oh my god! I've been wanting to try their french toast for so long!" I say, looking at the delicious food in the box.

"Really? I just thought they looked good so I got us some." He says.

"They're apparently their best food item at that place." I say.

I grab us some forks and get the syrup out from the little bag it came with.

The french toast had strawberries and blueberries on it, and was coated with the perfect amount of powdered sugar.

Me and Sunghoon drizzle some syrup on the french toast, and cut off a piece to take our first bite.

We both look at each other at the same time in shock.

"Woah. These really are good." Sunghoon says, taking another bite.

"I know right?!" I say.

We quickly finished our amazing french toast, feeling full after.

We go up to my room and cuddle in my bed. I get my phone and we the drama we were watching.

"Oh, wait. I forgot to ask you something." I say, pausing the drama.

"What's up?" Sunghoon asks.

"Do you know when we have to start practicing? Niki was gonna ask Heeseung." I ask.

"I think later this week. We have a while to practice." He says.

"Ohh okay."

"I wonder who's going to sing each part." He says.

"Me too. What was the song we're performing again?" I ask.

"Shout Out."

"Ohh! That's the one we sang together that one time." I say.

"Yeah, i remember that." Sunghoon chuckles.

"You should do the part you did in the car."


I start the show again, because it was just getting to a good part.


"Do you really have to go now?" I ask.

"Yeah, i'm sorry. I need to go and get my mom a birthday before I forget." He says.

"Wait, is your moms birthday this week?"

"Yeah, it's on Wednesday."

"I can help you! I had no idea her birthday was so close.." I say.

"Just stay here and rest. I'll take you with me tomorrow, okay?" He says.

"Aw, okay."

"I promise i'll text you when I get home."

"You better." I say.

"I will. Bye, I love you." He says.

"I love you too."

He gives me a quick kiss before walking out the door.


It was now 11 pm, and I still didn't get a text from Sunghoon. He left my house at 2.

I texted him a few minutes go, but he didn't read it yet. Maybe he's asleep?

Or maybe he forgot?


Ik im sorry this chapter is so short
it's just a little filler chapter

hope you enjoy....

Have an amazing day/night! Love you guys♡︎

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